Java AI Addon (1.19) – MCPE/Bedrock Mod
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February 24, 2023
While Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a great game, it doesn’t have all the amazing features that Java Edition has to offer. Java AI Addon (1.19) brings some of those Java-exclusive features to Bedrock, such as improved villager trades, more realistic mob behavior, and so much more!
Food changes
Health regenerates faster after eating food and filling saturation:
- Poor 1-sec Regeneration: beetroot, clownfish, cookie, dried kelp, fish, potato, salmon
- Low 2-sec Regeneration: apple, beef, carrot, glow berries, melon, raw mutton, porkchop, rabbit, sweet berries
- Normal 5-sec Regeneration: baked potato, beetroot soup, bread, cooked chicken, cooked fish, cooked rabbit
- Good 6-sec Regeneration: cooked beef, cooked porkchop, cooked salmon, golden carrot, mushroom stew, cooked mutton, pumpkin pie, rabbit stew
World generatiWorld Generation
- Savannas and plains generate a lot more grass
Passive mobs:
[cow, sheep, pig, chicken, horse, mule, mushroom cow, parrot, turtle, and donkey]- Passive mobs spawn much less often and do not despawn
Killer Bunny:
- killer bunnys exist in Minecraft bedrock now without texture
- killer bunnys and bunnys can now make eye contact with other mobs
- command to spawn a killer bunny :
- /summon rabbit ~ ~ ~ minecraft:as_killer_bunny
- killer bunnys attack wolfes and players
- Zombified piglin and drowned chicken jockeys are a thing now in bedrock spawn very rare
- Bees now takes damage in water (1/ps)
- Stray cats purses and attack chickens now.
- Cats can now make eye contact with other mobs
Elder Guardian and Guardian:
- Killing it while on fire drops cooked fish now
- Drop bone meal instead of bones
- command to spawn a giant: summon zombie ~ ~ ~ minecraft:as_gaint
(evokers, pillager, vindicator, ravager,)
- llagers can open doors (except pillagers)
- illagers don’t attack baby villagers anymore (1.18)
- illagers Move door by door killing all villagers, rather than wander around the village without focus
- illagers can now make eye contact with other mobs
Iron golems:
- can be healed/repaired with iron ingots giving them 20 health back
- irongolems attacks wither now
- irongolems can now make eye contact with other mobs
Polar bear:
- Baby polar bears attack foxes now
- Killing it while on fire drops cooked fish instead of raw fish
- polarbear can now make eye contact with other mobs
- Piglins needs 6 seconds to barter instead of 8 seconds
- piglins can now make eye contact with other mobs
- Switch their weapon for a better weapon, if available…
- Turtle can now make eye contact with other mobs
Trader Llama:
- Trader llama and llama can now make eye contact with other mobs
- Can be bred with hay block
- Have a baby form
- foxes can now make eye contact with other mobs
- When killed, adult foxes drop now 1-2 XP
- have now 10 Health instead of 20
- Have now chances of holding: Eggs 15%, Feathers 20%
- Have a 2% to spawn with a fishing rod
- Have a 3% to spawn with a nautilus shell in its offhand
- drowned can now make eye contact with other mobs
- Drops are affected by looting enchantment (this means if you have a looting sword it drops more)
zombie pigmen:
- can now make eye contact with other mobs
All Villagers Changes
- Flee from Zoglins
- villagers can now make eye contact with other mobs
- Gold ingots/Emeralds trade gives 10 XP
- Offer glowstone blocks instead of glowing dust
Wandering trader:
- flee from Zoglins
- The emeralds for the coal trade give the villager 2 XP
- The Journeyman-level emeralds for dyed
- leather tunic rewards the villager with 10 XP
Installation Note:
- Make sure you activated the Experimental Gameplay Options.
How to install:
How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE
How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE
How To Install Map on Minecraft PE
Java AI Addon (1.19) Download Links
For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19
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