JMCT’s Heropack Mod (1.7.10) – Marvel, MCU, DC Suits
In JMCT’s Heropack Mod (1.7.10), you will find characters from Marvel Comics, the MCU, DC Comics, DCEU, and some other random characters from TV shows or comics.
- Daredevil
- Hit Monkey
- Hulk
- Human Torch
- The Infinity Gauntlet
- Invisible Woman
- Mind Stone
- Moon Knight
- Mr. Fantastic
- Nano Gauntlet
- Pork Grind
- Power Stone
- Quicksilver (Xmen)
- Reality Stone
- Soul Stone
- Space Stone
- Spider-Man 2099
- Spider-Ham
- Spider-Man
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
- Spider-Man (OG)
- Spider-Punk
- Star Lord
- Superior Spider-Man
- Thing
- Thor
- Thor (Stormbreaker)
- Time Stone
- Venom
- War Machine
- Arkham Knight
- Artemis
- Batman (Comics)
- Black Adam
- Blue Beelte
- Darkseid
- Doctor Fate
- Flash
- Flash (DCEU)
- Jay Garrick
- Kite Man
- Green Lantern ring
- Yellow Lantern ring
- Red Death
- Reverse Flash
- Shazam
- Superboy
- Superman (DCEU)
- Tigress
- Wally West
- Allen The Alien
- Immortal
- Invincible
- Omniman
- Chainsaw Man
Mod Showcases:
- Command to reload heropack: /fiskheroes reload –resources
- Command to reload sound: /fiskheroes reload –flushSoundCache
- Command to reload heropack and sound: /fiskheroes reload –resources –flushSoundCache
- Command to give yourself suit: /suit
How to install:
- Make sure you have installed FiskFille’s SuperHeroes Mod first.
- Open Minecraft and go into your world.
- Click ESC on your keyboard, click Options > click HeroPacks > click Open Heropack folder.
- Drag Heropack to the folder (do not unzip the file).
- Done.
JMCT’s Heropack Mod (1.7.10) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.10
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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