Just Walk! Map (1.21.4, 1.20.1) – Don’t Jump
Map types:Game
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July 11, 2023
Just Walk! Map (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a game map created by kovaszos_uborka. Normally, when you come upon a parkour course in the sky, your first reaction would be to jump. But this map is not like that! Just walk is a unique Minecraft map that simplifies gameplay to a single action: walking. This map offers a fun and tricky experience where all you need to do is press ‘W’ and walk, teh Redstone set up will help you do the rest. Despite its simplicity, the map promises to be entertaining and challenging, making it a perfect choice for those looking for a different kind of Minecraft experience.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps
- Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Maps
Just Walk! Map (1.21.4, 1.20.1) Download Links
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