KarenProtect is a comprehensive protection plugin designed to help server administrators safeguard specific areas and resources within a Minecraft server. It provides an effective and user-friendly solution for managing player permissions and protecting important areas from griefing or unauthorized access. KarenProtect is an excellent protection plugin for Minecraft servers, offering a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for safeguarding areas and resources. Its effective protection features, customizable permissions, and seamless WorldEdit integration make it a valuable tool for any server administrator. While it may not have every advanced feature, its focus on providing reliable and efficient protection is well-executed. Highly recommended for servers seeking to prevent griefing and unauthorized access.


  • Area Protection: Allows administrators to define protected areas where specific actions, such as building, breaking blocks, and using items, are restricted.
  • Customizable Permissions: Offers detailed permission settings for different areas, ensuring fine-grained control over who can access and modify protected zones.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Includes a straightforward and intuitive interface for setting up and managing protected areas, making it accessible to both new and experienced admins.
  • WorldEdit Integration: Seamlessly integrates with WorldEdit, enabling easy selection and management of large or complex areas.
  • In-Game Commands: Provides a range of in-game commands for creating and managing protected zones, allowing quick adjustments without needing to edit config files.
  • Grief Prevention: Helps prevent griefing by restricting actions in protected areas, ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all players.
  • Logging and Notifications: Tracks and logs unauthorized attempts to modify protected areas, and can notify admins of potential security issues.



  • /kp,/karenprotect,/ps (help) – show help page
  • /kp give <block_id> (player) – Give a protect block to player
  • /kp flag <flagname> <flagvalue> – Set a flag for protection
  • /kp add <player> – Add member to protection
  • /kp remove <player> – Remove member form protection
  • /kp addowner <player> – Add owner to protection
  • /kp removeowner <player> – Remove owner form protection
  • /kp priority <value> – Set priority to protection
  • /kp take – take their own protect


  • This plugin need WorldGuard to run, just both drag both files to plugins folder.

How to install:

KarenProtect Plugin (1.12.2, 1.8.9) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.8 to Minecraft 1.12.2

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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