Lag’B’Gon Reborn Mod (1.12.2) – Lag Reduction Utility for Forge
Lag’B’Gon Reborn Mod (1.12.2) is a server utility designed to improve Minecraft performance by managing and reducing lag. It’s inspired by the ClearLagg mod for Bukkit servers.
- Automatically or via commands, it clears entities and items from the world to reduce lag.
- Forces the unloading of unused chunks to free up memory and improve performance.
- Limits the number of entities that can spawn in a given chunk to prevent overcrowding and lag.
- Limits animal breeding within a certain radius to manage entity population.
- Offers various commands to toggle and customize the mod’s features, such as toggling item/blacklists, clearing entities, and setting thresholds for automatic actions.
- /bgon toggleitem : Places the item you have selected on your hotbar into the item Blacklist, preventing it from being removed during Clears.
- /bgon toggleentity <modid:name> : Places the named entity into the Entity blacklist, preventing it from being removed during Clears. For example: “minecraft:skeleton”. Use the names displayed by /bgon scanentities for best results.
- /bgon clear : Manually runs a Clear, removing items and entities from the world.
- /bgon interval <time> : Sets the time between automatic Clears. The interval is actually 1 minute longer, as it includes a 1 minute warning.
- /bgon toggleauto : Turns automatic clearing on and off.
- /bgon listitems : Lists the contents of the item blacklist.
- /bgon listentities : Lists the contents of the entity blacklist
- /bgon settps <tps> : Sets the TPS below which chunks will be unloaded automatically. Cannot be set higher than 15 in game. If you’re insane enough to want it higher, you can do so in the config by hand.
- /bgon unload : Manually unloads unused chunks.
- /bgon blacklist: Switches between using blacklist and whitelist.
- /bgon scanentities this will give you the name of all nearby entities (11x11x11 cube, 5 block for each side from enttity), exactly as it should be entered into the blacklist, to prevent /bgon clear removing them.
- /bgon maxperchunk <amount>: Sets maximum entities to spawn per chunk.
- /bgon togglenamedremove: Toggle Named Remove.
Breeding Related:
- /bgon togglepolice : Turns automatic policing of breeding on.
- /bgon setbreedlimit : Sets the maximum allowed mobs of type EntityAgeable in a 11x11x11 cube (5 block for each side from enttity), before more breeding is prevented automatically.
How to install:
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Lag’B’Gon Reborn Mod (1.12.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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