Minecraft stores a set of information of when and how you play your game. This includes details on the worlds you create and how often you access them. If you do not have the habit of clearing up the log files manually, these files can accumulate and take up storage space. Log Cleaner Mod (1.20.2, 1.19.4) automates this for you. This mod automatically deletes log files for you. The deleting process is highly configurable and can easily be edited. Let’s take a look at some important features of this mod.


File Cleanup Based on Access Date: Log Cleaner is a Minecraft mod that efficiently manages log files by cleaning up old and unused ones. Unlike other mods, it doesn’t rely on the creation date of files but instead considers the most recent access to any file. This approach ensures that logs still in use for various reasons are not unintentionally removed.

Versatile Usage: Log Cleaner is designed to work seamlessly in both client-side and server-side setups. Whether you’re playing Minecraft solo or running a multiplayer server, this mod is compatible with every Minecraft version.

Default Cleanup Period: By default, Log Cleaner removes logs that haven’t been accessed in more than 14 days. This default setting provides a reasonable window for debugging purposes while keeping your storage clutter-free. However, users have the flexibility to customize this duration to suit their specific needs.

Easy Configuration: Log Cleaner’s configuration is user-friendly and accessible through the “config/logcleaner.json” file. This configuration file offers two adjustable options:

  • daysOld: Users can specify the number of days a log file must remain unused before it’s eligible for deletion. The default value is set to 14 days.
  • silent: If set to true, Log Cleaner operates silently without sending messages about the number of deleted log files to the log. By default, this option is set to false, providing transparency in the cleanup process.



Fabric Modloader

Fabric API

Quilt Installer

How to install:

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How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

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Log Cleaner Mod (1.20.2, 1.19.4) Download Links

For all versions from Minecraft 1.14 to 1.20.2

Quilt/Fabric version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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