Lucky Block Map
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September 9, 2016
About Lucky Block Map
Lucky Block Map. As the title says this is the LUCKY BLOCK MOD in Minecraft VANILLA! Yes, vanilla. Are you tired of mining lots and lots of gold ores without knowing what to do with them? Finally the gold has a good use! Use it to craft your lucky blocks and after mine them to see what present it reserves to you! It works with command blocks and you don’t need to install any mod to play with it.
- All wood,stone or gold tools
- 2-3 Iron tools
- 1-2 diamond tools
- All leather-gold armor
- 2-3 chain or Iron Armor
- 1-2 diamond armor
- All horse armor
- bow and 16-32 arrows
- 2-6 end portal frames
- 8 TNT
- 14 obsidian
- 1 enchanting table
- 1 sponge
- 1 dragon egg
- 2 ender chests
- 1 beacon
- 8 droppers
- 8 hay blocks
- 8-16 gold ingots
- 4 paintings
- 2 saddles
- 1 rotten flesh
- 1 nether star
- 1 red rose named Romantic rose
- Enhantment table
- Anvil
- Minecart
- Item frames
- Carrot on a stick
- Jukebox+all discs
- All glass colours
- All 16 glasses
- Lucky bow (Unbreaking III, Power V, Punch II, Flame I, Infinity I, +80% speed modifier)
- Lucky tools (gold) (Sharpness V, Smite V, Bane of Arthropods V, Efficency VIX, Silk Touch I, Unbreaking XV, Fortune III)
- Lucky fishing rod (Unbreaking III, Luck of the Sea III, Lure III)
- Lucky sword (gold) (Sharpness V, Smite V, Bane of Arthropods V, Knockback II, Fire Aspect II, Looting II, Unbreaking III, +25% healt modifier)
- Lucky armor (gold, 1 part) (Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Blast Protection IV, Feather Falling IV, Projectile Protection IV, Thorns III, Unbreaking III)
- Eggs+ diamonds spreading in theair
- Bob The OP Zombie (special potion dropped if you kill it)
(UN)LUCKY passive mobs (they do nothing) - Super charged creepers
- Exp bottles
- Mr. Rainbow sheeps (16 different color sheeps with custom colored name)
- Boss: Giant zombie
- Boss: The Skeleton King
- Gollum riding Ozelot riding “Red_Engine’s GUARDIAN”
- 10 Slime tornado boss
- Lucky Pig tower (200 stacked pigs)
- Mob Tower
- Wishing well
- Chest of goodies (wood items),(3 emeralds, 9 iron ingots, 2 gold ingots, 2 gold blocks, 1 diamond), (5 diamonds,3 golden apples, 3 gold blocks), (4 strings, 2 redstone dust, 2 discs, 1 bread, 1 bucket), (5 apples, 1 bread, 1 iron leggings), (5 iron ingots, 1 nametag, 1 string, 1 iron horse armor, 1 gunpowder)
- Falling Gold, Diamond or Emerald block
- Lava trap (iron bars around you and a falling lava up)
- Water trap (obsidian/glass structure filled with water)
- Void/Pitfall Trap (with cobwebs and lava under)
- Lucky fort (made in sandstone – 4 lucky blocks in it)
- ACME (iron bars around you, a falling anvil up)
- Colorful pole (Violet, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Magenta, Violet,BURNING Diamond block on top)
- Instant explosion
- Bedrock trap
Lucky Block Map Screenshots:
Map Showcase:
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps
- Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Maps
Download links for Lucky Block Map:
For Minecraft 1.8
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