Breaking each log is a pretty difficult and time-consuming task for builders, especially in Survival “Let’s Plays”, and for players who want to play Survival for challenging reasons. Lumber Axe Bedrock Addon (1.20, 1.19) lets you chop entire trees by using lumber axes similar to vanilla ones, which have variants of the following: Wood, Stone, Golden, Iron, Diamond, and even Netherite! Make your adventure seamlessly easy to collect materials and resources by only chopping the tree once on any angle as long as it is connected to each other. Also, you can inspect how many log blocks are within this tree!


By installing this addon, there are no other things to setup, just install by following the INSTALLATION GUIDE below, and after following the instructions of installing, just check the axe in the creative inventory, and see if the lumber axes are there or execute a command by typing, “/function yn_axe”, and if it’s there then have some fun, and start chopping logs or trees.

Main Features:

Accurate Tree Capitator:

  • This addon chops or breaks down a whole tree log by just breaking one log in any position as long as it is connected. By chopping one block, it will chop the whole tree. It is pretty accurate in cutting a tree log, when you cut a birch tree next to an oak log or oak tree, it will not chop or destroy the oak tree, only the birch tree.

Balanced Tool:

  • Since most players, especially survivalist players in Minecraft wanted to spice things up and use an addon that will give them, not so difficult and not so easy addons. This one is for you. It’s a balanced Tool since its durability is not as normal as the vanilla axe. When you cut a whole tree, the lumber axe loses 3 items of durability for each log block you’ve destroyed. When your lumber axe does not have the proper durability remaining, and there are more trees to cut, then it will not work. You need to repair or get a new lumber axe. It only costs a little to create one.

Enchantment Compatible:

  • Since it’s a tool, its mechanics behave similarly to vanilla axes. To make your lumber axes sturdy enough to last longer, enchant it with unbreaking. Normal ones cost you 3 item durability per Log destroyed, however, if you have Unbreaking enchant it will be reduced.

Advance System:

  • This uses a smart way of cutting or bulk-destroying the entire tree with just 1 tapping. All flaws are fixed. It relies on Scripting API since it is mostly implemented with code. No Entities, No Blocks, No Functions, just scripts, and Items. Try all the trees in Minecraft including the custom ones!

Tree Chopping Information:

To check the Information about the tree you are chopping you must do the following:

  • Right Click to the Block or Log Block (PC)
  • Tap on the Block or Log Block (Pocket Edition)

When you do the following, it will show a user interface that provides the following:

  • Log Icon = All log blocks the selected tree has, or log blocks that held the axe can break.
  • Dual Axe Icon = Held axe’s current durability.
  • Armor Icon = Held axe’s max durability.
  • Axe Cutting Log Icon = Indicator if the held axe can break this entire tree, or not.
    • [RED] Indicates held axe cannot break entire log blocks or trees, just breaks like a vanilla axe, and don’t cause durability that much.
    • [GREEN] Indicates held axe can break entire log blocks or trees. When you break the log block, that will break entire branches or any adjacent


  • Unbreaking enchantment increases the capacity the axe can break or inspect with.
  • Do not use this axe to value structures that are included blocks in the configuration or just any log blocks this axe can chop.

Crafting Recipes:

  • This is the crafting recipe for each item. No explanations just do the following in the crafting table or smithing table to create or get the item.

Wooden Lumber Axe

Stone Lumber Axe

Golden Lumber Axe

Iron Lumber Axe

Diamond Lumber Axe

Netherite Lumber Axe

Smithing Table

Item requirements:

  • Netherite upgrade smithing template (smithing template)
  • Diamond lumber axe
  • Netherite ingot

Installation Note:

  • Make sure you turn on the Experimental Gameplay.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Lumber Axe Bedrock Addon (1.20, 1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20, 1.19

mcaddon: Download from server 1Download from server 2

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