The Magic Farm 3: Harvest Modpack (1.7.10)  This modpack also carries the same name as the official Magic Farm 3: Harvest Modpack. Because it places a considerable emphasis on living, adventuring, and progressing through the entirety of the technology tree, this modpack is obviously dissimilar from the vast majority of the official FTB packs due to the fact that it is significantly different from the vast majority of the official FTB packs. Magic Farm 3 is an overhaul pack that makes extensive use of the Tinkers’ Construct tools and the Iguana Tweaks, and it may offer you all of the basic tools that you require to complete your criteria in order to meet those requirements. In addition to this, the Hunger Overhaul makes it a far greater number of times more difficult to survive in general. Because of the increased difficulty of individual mobs, it is now feasible to expand previously established types of challenges into new categories. This presents players with fresh options and chances.


  • A third-party modpack assembled by JadedCat.
  • New adventures.
  • New creatures.
  • New equipment.
  • Adds a variety of challenges.



Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Modpack

Magic Farm 3: Harvest Modpack (1.7.10) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

Forge Version: Download from Server 1

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