MCDungeon will create a procedurally generated dungeon in a preexisting minecraft map. It is not yet feature complete, but can already generate dungeons with quite a bit of variety. It is written in Python and makes use of code from Paul Hodge’s minetown project and codewarrior’s pymclevel.



  • Automatically finds a good location on a map based on range, size, and depth parameters. Can detect player structures and try not to overwrite them.
  • Dungeons can be removed from a map later and the landscape allowed to regenerate.
  • Dungeons can be regenerated in place with a new layout, mobs, and treasure.
  • Can generate multiple of dungeons in a map, or try to fill the map with as many dungeons as possible.
  • Generates room layouts based on a random weighted selection of rooms. Rooms are filled with ranomd hallways, floors, room features, and ruins on the surface, all of which are configurable.
  • The density and placement of doors, portcullises, and torches are configurable. Option to place fewer torches as levels go down. Less light == more danger!
  • A “hard mode” that will attempt to fill in nearby natural caves in an attempt to concentrate random monster spawns inside the dungeon.
  • Places stairwells between levels, and a tower entrance with a spiraling staircase. The tower height is configurable so it can be seen for many chunks.
  • Optionally places a MultiVerse (Craftbukkit plugin) portal at the bottom of the dungeon to teleport players out to the world of your choice.
  • Places chests with loot around the dungeon in (probably) hard to reach places. An arbitrary number of loot tables can be configured to provide variety. The density of chests is configurable.
  • Places mob spawners throughout the dungeon. These will likely be near chests, but not always. Mob types are configurable. The density of spawners is configurable. Some ‘non-standard’ mobs are available.
  • Random placement of secret traps.
  • Output floor maps to a terminal with color on ANSI systems.
  • Output entire dungeon maps to HTML.


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  • New Feature: WildGrowth (JiFish)
  • New entrance variations for Mesa and Ice Spike biomes. (orphu)
  • River and ocean biome exclusions are now configurable. (orphu) See default.cfg for details.
  • Interactive mode will now prompt for max_dist value to help avoid confusion for new users. (JiFish)
  • Progress now reports how many dungeons have been placed. (orphu)
  • Changed config layout to make distributing themed configs easier. (JiFish)
  • Improved carpets in chapels. (JiFish)
  • Added more paintings. (JiFish)
  • Updated existing paintings to use expanded map palette. (JiFish)
  • Added 1.7 materials to various dungeon features (JiFish, orphu)
  • Added 1.7 fishing pole enchantments. (orphu)
  • Lowered the default silverfish concentration since explosions now trigger silverfish to spawn. (orphu)
  • Moved blocks out of items.txt to materials.cfg. This allows more control over how blocks are used in the dungeons without requiring code changes. (orphu)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the dungeon placer to give up early when placing multiple dungeons of a fixed depth. (orphu)


  • New Entrance: Barrow (orphu)
  • New Entrance: Oasis (orphu)
  • Per-biome entrance configurations. (orphu)
  • Configurable trapped chests. (JiFish)
  • Dungeons will be given an owner and dungeon name that will be used to name maps and special locations in the dungeons.
  • Witches now have a themed name. (JiFish)
  • More paintings (JiFish)
  • Special spawners settings for treasure rooms allow for a more challenging end game. (JiFish)
  • Option to regenerate all known dungeons on a map. (orphu)
  • More variation to item names in armories. (JiFish)
  • Added 1.6 items and removed lame wooden items from armories. (JiFish)
  • Blaze head loot. (JiFish)
  • Completed dungeons are now relit and saved immediately. You can stop the generation process and pick it up again later. (orphu)
  • maximize_distance now takes old dungeons into account. (orphu)
  • Improved packing of dungeons when generating as many as possible. Dungeons will be more cube shaped instead of deep and skinny. (orphu)
  • Removed skulls from chapels (JiFish)
  • Fixed a potential bug in fortune loading. (JiFish)
  • Removed unreliable treasure item in armories. (orphu)
  • Fixed a bug when trying to regenerate dungeons created with older versions. (orphu)
  • Fixed dungeons being a little too shallow, especially on flat worlds. (orphu)

Other Versions:

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For 1.4

For Python – All platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows). Requires Python and dependencies:

For 1.5

For Python – All platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows). Requires Python and dependencies:

For 1.6

For Python – All platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows). Requires Python and dependencies:

For Windows 32 – 32 bit standalone version for Windows:

For Windows 64 – 64 bit standalone version for Windows:

Linux x86 – 64 bit:

OS X x86 – 64 bit:

For 1.7

For Python – All platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows). Requires Python and dependencies:

For Windows 32 – 32 bit standalone version for Windows:

For Windows 64 – 64 bit standalone version for Windows:

Linux x86 – 64 bit:

OS X x86 – 64 bit:

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