Medieval Factions Plugin (1.20.6, 1.20.1) – Allows Players To Organize Themselves To Nations
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1 week ago
Medieval Factions Plugin (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a faction-based plugin designed to bring a historical and immersive experience to Minecraft servers. Unlike traditional faction plugins, it focuses on medieval-style governance, diplomacy, and warfare, providing a structured and engaging system for players to form and manage their own medieval realms.
- Create and manage medieval-style factions with ranks and roles.
- Engage in diplomacy, alliances, and wars with other factions.
- Implement taxation and resource management for a realistic economy.
- Configurable land claiming system for territory control.
- Customizable faction settings to fit different server styles.
- /mf addlaw – Add a law to your faction.
- /mf editlaw – Edit a law in your faction.
- /mf laws – List your faction’s laws.
- /mf addally – Attempt to ally with a faction.
- /mf removelaw – Remove a law from your faction.
- /mf autoclaim – Attempt to ally with a faction.
- /mf breakalliance – Break an alliance with a faction.
- /mf chat – Toggles faction chat.
- /mf checkaccess – Check who has access to a locked block.
- /mf checkclaim – Check if land is claimed.
- /mf claim – Claim land for your faction.
- /mf create – Create your faction.
- /mf declareindependence – Declare independence from your liege.
- /mf declarewar – Declare war on another faction.
- /mf demote – Demote an officer to member status.
- /mf desc – Set your faction’s description.
- /mf disband – Disband your faction (must be the owner).
- /mf duel challenge – Challenge a player to a duel.
- /mf duel accept – Accept a duel or a specific player’s duel.
- /mf duel cancel – Cancel a duel.
- /mf flags show – Show a list of flags for your faction land.
- /mf flags set – Set a faction flag.
- /mf gate create – Create a gate, optionally with a name.
- /mf gate cancel – Cancel the creation of a gate.
- /mf gate list – List your gates.
- /mf gate name – (No description provided).
- /mf gate remove – Remove a gate.
- /mf grantaccess – Grant someone access to a locked block.
- /mf grantindependence – Grant a vassal faction independence.
- /mf help – Show a list of useful commands.
- /mf home – Teleport to your faction home.
- /mf sethome – Set your faction’s home.
- /mf info – See faction information.
- /mf invite – Invite a player to your faction.
- /mf invoke – Call an allied faction into war.
- /mf join – Join a faction you were invited to.
- /mf kick – Kick a player from your faction.
- /mf leave – Leave your current faction.
- /mf list – List all factions on the server.
- /mf lock – Lock the clicked chest, door, or gate.
- /mf makepeace – Send a peace offering to another faction.
- /mf map – Display a map of nearby claims.
- /mf members – List members of your faction or another faction.
- /mf power – Check your power level.
- /mf prefix – Set your faction’s prefix.
- /mf promote – Promote a player to officer status.
- /mf rename – Rename your faction.
- /mf revokeaccess – Revoke a player’s access to a locked block.
- /mf swearfealty – Swear fealty to a faction.
- /mf transfer – Transfer faction ownership to another player.
- /mf unclaim – Unclaim a chunk of land for your faction.
- /mf unclaimall – Unclaim all land for your faction.
- /mf unlock – Unlock a chest, door, or gate.
- /mf vassalize – Offer to vassalize a faction.
- /mf who – View faction-specific info about a player.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Spigot Plugins
- Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Plugins
Medieval Factions Plugin (1.20.6, 1.20.1) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft 1.17 to Minecraft 1.20.6
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