InventoryProfile (save and load items)
EClip (Elytra Clip Matrix bypass)
Meteor Highway Tools Addon
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Highway Tools is a utility addon for Meteor Client, specifically designed to build highways on anarchy servers.
Binds HUD
Greetings HUD
.toggle higtools
Meteor TrapHax/TrapClient Addon
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A Client that aims to improve Meteor Client with more Modules and Features.
Meteor BlackOut Addon
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An addon for Meteor client that adds a variety of new/improved features to the Meteor client such as a new and improved CrystalAura, BedAura and PacketFly and a lot more of new things to push you above the competition.
Meteor Trouser-Streak Addon
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Trouser-Streak is a compilation of modules, updated to the latest version and optimized for maximum grief.
Airstrike+: Rains whatever entities you desire from a list similar to Boom. It used to only rain fireballs, and I also changed the positioning of the spawning.
AnHero: Become An Hero! (A quick way back to spawn.)
AutoDrop: Drops the stack in your selected slot automatically, or you can choose a slot to dump. You can shift click your inventory items to dump your trash easily.
AutoLavaCaster Simple timer based bot for lavacasting. Aim at the top of the block you want to cast on and activate the module. It places lava, then after an amount of time removes the lava, places the water after a specified delay, removes it after a specified delay, it will build the mountain upward, tower you up and repeat. Position yourself on a block above and diagonally, mostly perpendicular from the targeted block for best results.
AutoLavaCaster Notes:
If not choosing the amount of time lava flows for, there are lava timing estimation modes.
The UseLastMountain timing mode uses your last Mountain to predict the LavaTimer and calculates the flow rate if the top of the mountain is a 45 degree angle and the rest is going straight down to the ground.
Do not disable AutoMountain before done building the mountain you want to cast on, it can break the timing for the above option. Pause by pressing useKey if you intend to make more stairs on that mountain.
The FortyFiveDegreeStairs timing mode estimates based on 45degree stairs down to sealevel(Y63), or down to Y-60 if you are below Y64.
The ChooseBottomY timing mode estimates time based on 45degree stairs going down to the Y level you set in the timer options from your position.
If you insist upon not starting AutoMountain paused, you can get the correct timing for the UseLastLowestBlockfromAutoMountain in AutoLavaCaster by 1: ENABLE
ResetLowestBlockOnDEACTIVATE in AutoLavaCaster and 2: DISABLE ResetLowestBlockOnACTIVATE in AutoMountain. This will return the lowest block placed with AutoMountain until AutoLavacast is used.
You can reset lowestblock after doing the above by enabling and disabling AutoLavaCaster or by pressing the button in AutoMountain options.
The AutoPosition option moves you to automatically to a position suitable for casting if you are not on a block. May break caster if you enable it while right at the edge of a block. (Not actually on a block)
The .castertimer Command tells you how long each cycle has been running for.
The .lavacalc command gives you an approximation of how long lava will take to flow from top to bottom across a 45 degree staircase at 20TPS (input numbers), or the last Mountain you made from your Y level.
Do not use Timer with this module.
Rotating your character will break AutoLavaCaster. Disable rotate options in Freecam, Killaura, and any others that will rotate you when casting.
Fish buckets, and other water buckets with entities do not work. Put the fishy somewhere safe before mountaining.
If Build up is enabled, and not holding a block, appropriate blocks are selected from your hotbar automatically from left to right.
Autoreplenish is recommended if building up, but disable search hotbar option.
Do not use Flammable blocks if building up, and firespread is on.
Reducing timing options while it’s on can break it.
AutoMountain: AutoMountain builds stairs in the direction you aim. It builds upward if you are looking toward the horizon or higher, and builds downward if you are looking down.
The MountainMakerBot option builds stairs from bottom to top, and when it goes u it starts lavacasting on your staircase. Just click and wait for a mountain. Not intended for use in a closed in space (cave).
AutoMountain Controls:
UseKey (Right Click) starts and pauses mountain building.
Left and RightKeys turn Mountain building.
ForwardKey Turns mountain up, Back Key turns mountain down.
JumpKey adjusts spacing of stairs according to the OnDemandSpacing value.
Start building, then hold SneakKey and also hold Left or RightKey as well to build stairs diagonally. Release left or right key first to continue building in the direction you were prior.
AutoStaircase: Builds stairs upward in the direction you are facing by running forward and jumping.
BaseFinder: Automatically detects if a Base or Build could be in a chunk by checking every block in each chunk to see if there are “Un-natural” blocks within them.
BaseFinder Notes:
The Blocks Lists have been tuned to reduce any false positives while throwing the maximum amount of “good” results for builds. Adjust if you feel you need to, or add/remove things as needed.
The Number of Blocks to Find options is the total amount any of the blocks from one of the lists to find before throwing a base coord.
Do not do the same block in more than one list, it will be a waste of CPU time. The torches and signs in by default are fine because they are actually two different blocks, “WALL_TORCH” and just “TORCH”.
The “Unnatural Spawner Finder” option locates spawners and if they do not have one of the blocks that spawners have around them in nature (Mossy Cobblestone, Stone Brick Stairs, Cobweb, Nether Brick Fence, and Chain), then flag the spawner as unnatural.
.base command returns the nearest base to you, .base add or remove will add or remove the location you are in as a base coord, or you can input X,Y. There are buttons in the options menu to do the same things.
Base location data will be stored in the “BaseChunks” folder, in your Minecraft folder.
BetterAutoSign: Automatically writes signs with the text you specify, and can also apply glow ink or dye.
BetterScaffold: Give you more options for scaffolding, bigger range and others.
Boom+: Throws entities or spawns them on the targeted block when you click.
ExplosionAura: Spawns creepers at your position as you move that explode instantly. Like a bigger, more laggy Nuker module for creative mode. The use of the module Velocity is recommended to avoid being thrown around.
FlightAntikick: Moves you down on a tick-based timer. Added in to substitute the lack of an antikick for velocity flight in MeteorClient (not a great antikick it’s just something). Bind it to the same key as flight.
HandOfGod: Runs the “/fill” command on the world around you in different ways as you fly, and as you click. Operator status required.
Inventory Dupe (1.17): Duplicates things in your crafting slots when the module is enabled and the Dupe button is pressed in your inventory. Only works on Minecraft servers on the version 1.17, not any version before or after.
InstaKill: Shoots arrows and tridents with incredible power and velocity. Enabling multiple buttons causes the amount of packets to add up.
LecternCrash: Crash 1.18.X vanilla servers and possibly below.
NewerNewChunks: NewChunks module with new newchunk estimation exploits, and the ability to save chunk data for later! Also with special options for tracing servers that have been updated from a version before the build limit updates, which throw false positives normally.
NewerNewChunks Notes:
The TickExploit option estimates possible newchunks based on block ticking packets. SOME OF THESE CHUNKS MAY BE OLD. Advanced Mode is needed to filter any false positives out.
See Special Options notes for usage.
The TickExploit option can produce false positives if you are hanging around in the same location for a while. It’s best to keep moving fast for it to work best.
NewerNewChunks stores your NewChunks data as text files seperately per server and per dimension in the NewChunks folder in your Minecraft folder.
Save and Load ChunkData options are for the stored files.
This enables you to chunk trace multiple different servers and dimensions without mixing NewChunks data.
If the game crashes, chunk data is saved! No loss in tracing progress.
Send chunk data to your friends! Just copy the appropriate folder and send it.
There is also an option for deleting chunk data in that particular dimension on the server.
The .newchunkcount command can tell you how many chunks have been saved in data in the dimension you are in.
NewerNewChunks Special Options: (These are to be used when the server has two distinct diamond layers, and two distinct lava pool layers underground at spawn.)
The “AdvancedMode” highlights chunks that have flow only below Y0 as well as chunks that have been detected with the TickExploit option.
If there is nothing but FlowBelowY0 chunks and OldChunks as well as a few TickExploit chunks, then you are updating Old Chunks to the new build limits and those are OLDCHUNKS. If the FlowIsBelowY0 are mixed with NewChunks and Tick Exploit coloured chunks they are NEWCHUNKS.
When using Advanced mode if the Tick Exploit chunks appear infrequently and are combined with Old Chunks, then the chunks you are in are OLD. If there is alot of Tick Exploit chunks appearing and/or they are mixed with NewChunks then the chunks are NEW.
AdvancedMode can be confusing, do not use if you can’t interpret the chunk data.
The “IgnoreFlowBelow0” will render as an oldchunk if liquid flow is only below Y zero, and will show as a newchunk if flow is above Y zero, or both above AND below Y zero.
Meteor Villager Roller Addon
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Module for Meteor Client that continiously breaks and places work block of villager until it has desired trade.
Meteor Numby Hack Addon
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A simple Meteor addon focused on giving users more customization options. Made in honor of Number81.
Auto Log Plus: Automatically disconnects you when a specific condition is met
Better Place: Allows you to place blocks in weird ways
Bayblade: People see you spin.
Chat Encrypt: Encrypts your chat messages
Chorus Exploit: Exploits chorus teleports
Condition Toggle: Toggles modules based on conditions
Confetti: Changes the color of totem pop particles
FloRida: Makes you spin and look cool
Game Settings: Allows you to change some game settings
God Bridge: Positions you in the best way for bridging
Ignore Deaths: Ignores death messages from specific players
Jump Helper: Shows how far you can jump
Log Out Spots: Shows where a player has logged out
New Chunks: Finds new chunks based on flowing liquids
No Strip: Prevents you from stripping logs
Number81: Counts to 81 in chat
Numby Chat: Improves your chat experience in various ways
NumbyRPC: Displays Numby Hack as your presence on Discord
Ride Stats: Nametag with information about rideable entities.
Safe Fire: Does not allow you to walk into fire sources
Safety Net: Places a block under you if your reach a set Y level
Egap Finder: Searches for Egaps in single players and saves their location
Tunnel ESP: Tries to find player made tunnels
Wurst Glide: Allows you to glide
81: Number81 On Top!
Item Counter: Counts specific items from your inventory
Logo: Displays Numby Hack logo on screen
Key Press HUD: Displays the key you pressed
Kills: Shows the amount of player kills
Deaths: Shows the amount of deaths
KDR: Shows kill death ratio
High Score: Shows high score
Kill Streak: Shows your kill streak
Text Radar: Shows you the names of players in your render distance along with their stats
Server Brand: Shows the server brand
.clear: Clears your chat
.head: Puts the item you are holding in your head slot
.trash: Allows you to destroy any item in your hand
player particle: Renders particles around specific players
Meteor Additions Addon
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Meteor Additions Addon is intended to be used with the latest development build of Meteor.
ModMenu integration for Meteor Client (opens the ClickGUI)
“Servers” option in the multiplayer menu:
Server discovery (discover new servers based on another IP of a hosting provider)
Clean up (remove outdated servers or ones that no longer exist)
Easy saving/loading of servers between instances
“Spawn Items” module to create a lot of item entities in creative
Creative tab with several OP items partially taken from wurst modules (add items using the .save-item command or by editing .minecraft/meteor-client/additions_items.txt)
Translator module to configure googlechat mod (google chat is included in Meteor Additions)