Welcome to MineClick Server (1.20), the ultimate Minecraft server experience that takes your mining adventures to the next level! In MineClick Server (1.20), you’re not just a miner; you’re the master of your own island, where you’ll embark on a thrilling journey of resource gathering and island development.

Server Information

Author:  MineClick Team

Server name:  MineClick

Server Location:  United Arab Emirates

Minecraft Platform:  Java

Supported Version:  1.20+

Game types:  Economy, Roleplay, PvE, PvP

Visit MineClick server

Server Features

  • Daily Chest
  • Easter Eggs
  • Golden Bat
  • Skills
  • Stats
  • Trader
  • Voting
  • Super Blocks

In-game Features

Roleplay Gamemode

As you dig deep into the rich terrain of your island, every block you mine rewards you with precious gold. But that’s just the beginning. In MineClick, you have the power to supercharge your progress. Upgrade your trusty Pickaxe to mine faster and more efficiently. But why stop there? Hire dedicated workers to toil away on your behalf, boosting your income with each upgrade.

But it doesn’t end with your Pickaxe and workers. MineClick offers a multitude of island upgrades that provide enticing perks, from increasing worker efficiency to granting an extra Pickaxe for even faster mining. As you amass gold, you’ll unlock new islands, each with its own global gold multiplier and unique island upgrades to explore.

What makes MineClick even more exceptional is that your workers don’t rest, even when you’re offline. Your island keeps generating gold, ensuring your wealth grows, day or night.


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