Minecraft 1.15 Snapshot 19w41a (Honey Block, Honeycomb Block)
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October 11, 2019
Minecraft 1.15 Snapshot 19w41a covers the new honey and honeycomb blocks. Cracked iron golems, iron golem repair and toggle sprint and toggle sneak options. This is a big snapshot.
- Added Honey Blocks.
- Added Honeycomb Blocks.
- Accessibility improvements.
- Iron Golems now start cracking when damage and can be repaired with Iron Ingots.
- Added a spectate command.
- Added copy_to_clipboard action to clickEvent.
- The effect clear command now defaults to @s if no target argument is given.
Honey Block:
Sticky. Very sticky!
- Walking and jumping is limited.
- If you stand on a honey block that is pushed by a piston, you come along for the ride.
- Jump into a wall of honey blocks to slide down and slow your fall.
- Landing on a honey block cushions your fall somewhat.
- When a honey block is pushed or pulled by a piston, it attempts to move all adjacent blocks in the same direction (just like slime blocks).
- Mobs and animals dislike walking on honey blocks. Too sticky for their comfort.
Honeycomb Block:
BYOH – Build Your Own Honeycomb
- Craft 2×2 Honeycomb to get a Honeycomb Block.
- Purely decorative.
- Sneak and Sprint inputs can now be switched between Hold and Toggle mode in the Accessibility Options.
- Descriptions under buttons on the Create World screen are now narrated.
New command that makes a player in spectator mode spectate an entity.
Syntax: spectate [target] [player]
- player – The player that should spectate the target. Must be in spectator mode. If omitted, @s is used.
- target – The target to spectate. If omitted, makes the player stop spectating.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
Minecraft 1.15 Snapshot 19w41a Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
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