Minecraft 1.16.2 Pre-Release 1 (Sideways Chains, Pearl Stasis)
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August 2, 2020
Minecraft 1.16.2 Pre-Release 1 has sideways chains! You can now place chains sideways. Orient your chains in any direction! There are new options for the nausea effect and many other fixes and tweaks. Lots of other quality of life changes are to be found too.
- New accessibility settings have been added to help with visual comfort.
- Chains can now be placed in all orientations.
- Endermen will no longer place their held blocks onto bedrock blocks.
- Piglins now become angry with players who open or destroy a Chest Minecart.
- Villagers now lose their job sites when changing dimension.
- Chat delay has been added to the Chat Settings screen.
- Distortion effects such as nausea and the Nether portal overlay can now be reduced.
- At lower values, the nausea effect is replaced with a green overlay as an alternative visualization.
- Field of view effects shown after speed modifiers are applied can now be reduced.
How to install:
- To install the pre-release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the “Launch Options” tab.
- Pre-releases can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Minecraft 1.16.2 Pre-Release 1 Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
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