Minecraft 1.16 Snapshot 20w13a (New Strider Mob)
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March 27, 2020
Minecraft 1.16 Snapshot 20w13a adds a new nether mob, the Strider! The lodestone has been added to make compasses more useful and you can now generate basalt.
- Added the lodestone.
- Added the Strider.
- Basalt is formed when lava flows over soul soil next to blue ice.
- Farmer villagers can now compost seeds.
- A new block that can help you get your bearings!
- Crafted from a Netherite ingot and chiseled stone bricks.
- Use a compass on a lodestone to create a lodestone compass pointing to that lodestone.
- A new mob living the lava lakes of the Nether.
- Striders can walk on top of the surface of lava.
- Can be saddled, but has a will of its own.
- Really likes the smell of warped fungi – might even be convinced to follow it.
Farmer Villagers:
- Farmers can now put excess seeds in the composter to create bone meal.
- Bone meal is used by the farmers to grow crops.
- Farmers share excess wheat to other farmers, so more farmers can make bread.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
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