Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w10a introduces the lush cave biomes which is absolutely gorgeous.

Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w10a


  • Added Lush Caves underground biome.
  • Added Cracked Deepslate Bricks and Cracked Deepslate Tiles.
  • There is now an Infested variant of Deepslate found in the underground.
  • While they will not generate in the world by default, Deepslate versions of copper, emerald and coal ores have been added for use by creators of maps and data packs.

Lush Caves Biome:

  • The Lush Caves underground biome now exists for use in single-biome worlds. It does not yet generate in other world types.
  • Moss covers the floors and ceilings.
  • Spore Blossoms grow from the ceiling and drip particles.
  • Contains clay pools with Dripleaf Plants grow out of them.
  • Contains Azalea Bushes and Flowering Azalea Bushes.
  • The Azalea Tree loves to have its roots in lush caves, so if you find an Azalea Tree (either overground or in a cave) you know there is a Lush Cave beneath you.
  • Cave Vines with Glow Berries grow from the ceiling and light up the caves.


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How to install:

Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w10a Download Links

Client: Download from Server 1

Server: Download from Server 1

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