Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w37a (Illager Rune Font)
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September 16, 2021
Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w37a gets its first proper snapshot after a series of experimental ones. This snapshot introduces a variety of tweaks and changes to the game in preparation for bigger features.
This snapshot brings new biomes, an ore reshuffle, mob spawning changes, and so much more.
- Added noise caves and aquifers.
- Added Dripstone Caves underground biome.
- Added Grove biome.
- Added Lofty peaks biome.
- Added Lush Caves underground biome.
- Added Meadow biome.
- Added Snowcapped peaks biome.
- Added Snowy slopes biome.
- Added Stony peaks biome.
- New ore distribution and large ore veins.
- Overworld build and generation limits have been expanded.
- Enchanting Tables now emit a low amount of light.
- Using shears on the tip of a Cave Vine, Twisting Vine, Weeping Wine or Kelp now causes it to stop growing.
Dripstone Caves Biome:
- Contains plenty of Pointed Dripstone and Dripstone Block on the floors and ceilings, and small pools of water.
- In some places, you’ll find larger stalagmites, stalactites, and columns built from Dripstone Blocks.
- Contains extra copper ore.
- Snowy terrain with big spruce trees and powder snow traps. Might want to wear leather boots.
- Tends to generate on high-altitude terrain beneath mountain peaks or on hilltops.
- Spawns wolfs, rabbits, and foxes.
Large Ore Veins:
- Ore veins are large, rare, snake-like underground ore formations.
- Copper veins form between y 0 and y 50 and are mixed with Granite.
- Iron veins form below y -60 and y -8 and are mixed with Tuff.
Lofty Peaks:
- Dramatic jagged mountain peaks with snow and stone.
- Spawns goats.
Lush Caves Biome:
- Moss covers the floors and ceilings.
- Spore Blossoms grow from the ceiling and drip particles.
- Contains Clay pools with Dripleaf plants growing out of them.
- Contains Azalea Bushes and Flowering Azalea Bushes.
- The Azalea Tree loves to have its roots in Lush Caves, so if you find an Azalea Tree (either overground or in a cave) you know there is a Lush Cave beneath you.
- Cave Vines with Glow Berries grow from the ceiling and light up the caves.
Meadow Biome:
- Large grassy and flowery biome that tends to generate high up on plateaus or next to large mountain ranges.
- Sometimes contains a lone tall oak or birch tree, often with a bee nest.
- Think Sound of Music.
- Spawns donkeys, rabbits, and sheep.
Mob Spawning:
- Monsters now only spawn in places where the light from blocks is 0 (skylight still prevents spawning like before).
- Fixed an issue where players in multiplayer can face more or far fewer enemies than intended, particularly when other players are flying.
New Ore Distribution:
- Changed ore generation to match the new world height, and to add more strategy to mining.
- There is no longer a single y level that is best for all ores, you need to make tradeoffs.
- Iron ore generates below y 72, with a strong bias towards y 16.
- Iron ore also generates above 112, with more iron ore as you go higher.
- Copper ore generates between y 0 and y 96, with a strong bias towards y 48.
- Copper ore generates in larger amounts in the dripstone caves biome.
- Lapis lazuli generates below y 64, with a strong bias towards y 0. However, Lapis below y -32 or above y 32 cannot generate exposed to air. It will either be buried or inside water.
- Coal generates above y 0, with a strong bias towards y 96 and above.
- Coal has reduced air exposure, so you will find more coal buried or underwater than exposed to air.
- Gold generates below y 32, with a strong bias towards y -16.
- Extra gold can (still) be found in badlands biomes.
- Redstone ore generates below y 16. Redstone ore generation gradually increases as you go below y -32 and further down.
- Diamond generates below y 16, with more diamond the lower you go.
- Diamonds have reduced air exposure, so you will find more diamonds buried or underwater than exposed to air.
Noise caves and Aquifers:
- Noise caves are a new way of generating caves, providing more natural variety. They can get really huge sometimes!
- Noise caves come in three flavors:
- Cheese caves. Like the holes in swiss cheese. These often form caverns of various size.
- Spaghetti caves. Long squiggly tunnels, sometimes wide like tagliatelle.
- Noodle caves. Thinner, squigglier, and more claustrophobic variant of spaghetti caves.
- No, they aren’t loud. The “noise” part of noise caves is a technical term and has nothing to do with sound.
- The old cave carvers and canyons still generate, combining with the noise caves to form interesting cave systems.
- As with carvers, when noise caves intersect the surface they form cave entrances.
- An aquifer is an area with local water level, independent of sea level.
- Aquifers are used during world generation to generate bodies of water inside noise caves.
- This sometimes results in large underground lakes! They can also form inside mountains and on the surface.
- Aquifers below y0 will sometimes be lava aquifers instead of water aquifers.
- Magma Blocks sometimes generates at the bottom of underground bodies of water.
- Underwater cave carvers and underwater canyons have been removed, since aquifers are used to generate water in caves instead.
- Added an accessibility option to stop the sky flashing during thunderstorms.
- Added an option to specify the audio device used by the game.
- Added “Toggle Sprint” and “Toggle Sneak” to the Controls settings.
- Moved Keybinds out to their own settings screen, accessible from Controls.
Snowcapped Peaks:
- Smooth mountain peaks with ice and snow.
- Spawns goats and yeti. No actually just goats.
Snowy Slopes:
- Very snowy terrain that can hide powder snow traps. Might want to wear leather boots.
- Tends to generate on high-altitude terrain beneath mountain peaks or on hilltops.
- Spawns rabbits and goats.
Stony Peaks:
- Stony mountain peaks that may be jagged or smooth.
- Spawns goats.
- Contains strips of calcite sometimes.
World Generation:
- Generation range and build limits have been expanded by 64 blocks up and 64 blocks down, to a total range of 384 blocks.
- Underground features, structures, and caves generate all the way down to y-64.
- Exception: Diorite and Granite and Andesite and Dirt don’t generate below y0.
- Tweaked size and positioning of Diorite, Andesite & Granite generation.
- Dripstone clusters can no longer be found in normal caves, only in dripstone caves biome.
- Starting from y0 and below deepslate gradually replaces all stone.
- Deepslate blobs no longer generate above y0.
- The terrain shape and elevation varies dramatically, independently from biomes. For example, forests and deserts could form up on a hill without needing a special biome just for that.
- Less diorite/granite/andesite generates above y 60.
- Strips of gravel can generate in stony shores.
- Swamp trees can grow in water 2 blocks deep (instead of just 1 block deep).
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w37a Download Links
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