Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w40a (New Biome Names)
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October 11, 2021
Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w40a made some pretty big changes to the new minecraft generation, cave formations, and biomes.
- World generation tweaks.
- Changes to mob spawning.
- Copper Ore now drops 2-5 (from 2-3) Raw Copper items.
- In the Stonecutter, a Block of Copper can be converted to four Cut Copper.
- A bunch of biome variants with similar features but different shapes have been merged into one since the shape is controlled independently now.
- Renamed some biomes.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w40a Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
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