Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot 23w14a brings us new tweaks to calibrated sculk sensors, temptable sniffers, changes logo and panorama and a huge amount of bug fixes.

This snapshot brings a variety of updates and improvements to the game. Notable changes include modifications to Sculk blocks, adjustments to Enchanting Tables and Bookshelves interactions, and the introduction of a new Quick Play functionality. Additionally, the snapshot presents an updated Java Edition logo, a new main menu panorama inspired by Trails & Tales, and a plethora of bug fixes.

The snapshot features several changes to Sculk blocks, including the Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Sensor. Waterlogging Sculk Shriekers now silences their shriek sounds, and they have been added to the Redstone Blocks tab in the creative menu. Both normal and calibrated Sculk Sensors have undergone modifications, such as more reliable default redstone outputs for distance calculations and strongly powering the block they are placed on.

Calibrated Sculk Sensors now have an active cooldown of one second instead of two and can detect vibrations up to 16 blocks away, double the previous distance. They also accept signals more consistently with other Redstone components, including receiving signals through a block.


  • Changes to Sculk blocks
  • Replaceable blocks no longer block the connection between Enchanting Tables and Bookshelves
  • In the Desert Temple, the new room has more of its roof collapsed and one block of Suspicious Sand is always visible in the top layer
  • Updated the Minecraft: Java Edition logo
  • The main menu background is now a Trails & Tales panorama

Sculk Shrieker

  • Waterlogging them will now silence their shriek sounds
  • Added to the Redstone Blocks tab in the creative menu

Sculk Sensor

  • For both normal and calibrated Sculk Sensors, the following changes have been made:
    • Default redstone output has been modified to be more reliable for distance calculations
    • Now strongly powers the block they are placed on

Calibrated Sculk Sensor

  • Has an active cooldown of 1 second instead of 2 seconds
  • Detects vibrations up to 16 blocks away instead of 8 blocks
  • Accepts signals into the calibration input side more consistently with other Redstone components
    • For example, signals can now be received through a block


How to install:

Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot 23w14a Download Links

Client: Download from Server 1

Server: Download from Server 1

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