Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot 24w36a – New Custom Gear, Smarter Mobs
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September 5, 2024
Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot 24w36a introduces new support for custom equipment models via data pack and resource packs. It has also tweaked the Bundle so that you can empty a group of items when it’s used in the hotbar. And as usual, it has included a bunch of bug fixes.
- When a Bundle is used in the hotbar, one group of items is emptied at a time instead of everything being emptied at once
- Squid Spawn Eggs now only spawn adult Squids
- There is a 5% chance of Squids spawned in groups in the wild to be a baby
- When a mob converts from one type to another (ex: Piglin to Zombified Piglin), the health of the converted mob is set to the same percentage of max health as the original mob had before conversion
Technical Changes
- The Data Pack version is now 52
- Resource Pack version is now 37
Block Tags
- bats_spawnable_on: Blocks that bats can spawn on
Item Tags
- Added new tags to control which items can be used to repair various armor sets:
- repairs_leather_armor
- repairs_iron_armor
- repairs_chain_armor
- repairs_gold_armor
- repairs_diamond_armor
- repairs_netherite_armor
- repairs_turtle_helmet
- repairs_wolf_armor
- piglin_safe_armor: Items that, when worn by a player, will cause Piglins to not get angry
Changed Item Components
- This component is now always present on every item
New Item Components
- Controls item model
- Present on every item
- Format: namespaced id
- namespace:id will reference model /assets/<namespace>/models/item/<id>
- If present, this item can be equipped by players in the selected slot
- When right-clicking with an item with this component, it will be swapped into the appropriate slot
- Format: object with fields
- slot: one of head, chest, legs, feet, body, mainhand, or offhand
- equip_sound (optional): Sound event to play when the item is equipped
- If not specified, the default armor equip sound will be played
- model (optional): namespaced ID of the equipment model to use when equipped
- These model definitions are loaded from Resource Packs
- If not specified, will fall back to rendering as the item itself when in the head slot (or no rendering if not applicable)
- allowed_entities (optional): Entity ID, Entity Tag, or list of Entity IDs to limit which entities can equip this item
- If not specified, any entity (that can wear this kind of equipment) is allowed to equip this item
- dispensable: boolean (default: true), whether the item can be equipped by using a Dispenser
- If the item type has special dispenser behavior, this will have no effect
- e.g. equippable={slot:’chest’,equip_sound:’item.armor.equip_chain’}
- If present, this item will allow players to glide (as with Elytra) when equipped
- Format: empty object
- e.g. glider={}
- If present, this item can use custom sprites for its tooltip background and frame
- Format: namespaced ID for a tooltip style
- A tooltip style of namespace:path will use sprites with IDs:
- <namespace>:tooltip/<path>_background and <namespace>:tooltip/<path>_frame
- e.g. tooltip_style=’minecraft:special_sword’
- A tooltip style of namespace:path will use sprites with IDs:
- Added a new field in the Player sub-predicate, input, that can be used to detect which movement keys the player is pressing
- If specified the predicate matches with the corresponding keybind that the player is pressing; it supports detecting the following input:
- forward : boolean (optional)
- backward : boolean (optional)
- left : boolean (optional)
- right : boolean (optional)
- jump : boolean (optional)
- sneak : boolean (optional)
- sprint : boolean (optional)
Resource Pack Version 37
- Introduced equipment models
- Textures for entity equipment have been moved and renamed
- The tooltip background and frame may now be customized by replacing sprites:
- tooltip/background: The background of the tooltip
- tooltip/frame: The frame appearing around the tooltip
- Items with a custom tooltip_style component will use sprites with IDs:
- <namespace>:tooltip/<path>_background and <namespace>:tooltip/<path>_frame
- The nine_slice GUI sprite scaling mode has a new optional boolean property: stretch_inner
- If true, the inner parts of the texture (i.e. not the corners) will be stretched instead of tiled
- If not specified, defaults to false as before
Item Models
- All item models can now use the broken property in model overrides that was previously limited to just Elytra
- This will have a value of 1 if the item has 1 durability left, or 0 otherwise
Custom Equipment Models
The appearance of equipment when equipped by players or certain mobs can now be customized by defining ‘equipment models’ in the Resource Pack.
- Equipment model definitions are loaded from assets/<namespace>/models/equipment/<path>.json
- These can then be referenced by the equippable component with a model id of namespace:path
- The model definition is an object with fields: wolf_body, horse_body, llama_body, humanoid, humanoid_leggings, wings
- All fields are optional, and can be used to specify a list of layers for the given model layer type
- Each field contains list of layer objects:
- texture: namespaced texture location for this layer
- namespace:path will resolve to assets/<namespace>/textures/entity/equipment/<layer_type>/<path>.png
- dyeable: object with fields (optional), specifying how this layer behaves when dyed (in the dyeable item tag, and has dyed_color component)
- color_when_undyed: rgb color int (optional)
- If specified, this layer will be tinted by the color contained in the dyed_color component
- If the item is not dyeable or not dyed, it will be tinted based on the color specified by color_when_undyed
- If color_when_undyed is not specified and the item is not dyed, the layer will be hidden
- use_player_texture: boolean (default: false), true if this layer texture should be overridden by a texture given by the player
- Only used for wings layers, which will override with the player’s custom Elytra texture
- texture: namespaced texture location for this layer
A model definition specifying both player and horse armor layers might look like:
{ "layers": { "horse_body": [ { "texture": "minecraft:iron" } ], "humanoid": [ { "texture": "minecraft:iron" } ], "humanoid_leggings": [ { "texture": "minecraft:iron" } ] } }
- All equippable items with an equipment model defined support rendering trims, based on the trim component
- Trim textures will be loaded from the appropriate folder in the textures/trims/entity directory
- For example, armor with wolf_body layers will fetch trims from textures/trims/entity/wolf_body
Moved Textures
- All equipment-related textures have been moved to subfolders of the textures/entity/equipment directory
- Player armor textures have been moved to textures/entity/equipment/humanoid and textures/entity/equipment/humanoid_leggings
- <material>_layer_1 textures have been renamed to <material>, and moved into the humanoid subdirectory
- <material>_layer_2 textures have been renamed to <material>, and moved into the humanoid_leggings subdirectory
- leather_layer_1_overlay and leather_layer_2_overlay textures have been renamed to leather_overlay in their respective subdirectories
- wolf_armor and wolf_armor_overlay textures have moved to textures/entity/equipment/wolf_body/ and have been renamed to armadillo_scute and armadillo_scute_overlay respectively
- turtle_layer_1 has been renamed to turtle_scute
- Llama decor textures have been moved to textures/entity/equipment/llama_body
- Horse armor textures have been moved to textures/entity/equipment/horse_body
- The Elytra texture has been moved to textures/entity/equipment/wings/elytra
- Player armor textures have been moved to textures/entity/equipment/humanoid and textures/entity/equipment/humanoid_leggings
- Armor trim textures have also been moved to match the folder structure of the regular equipment textures
- Textures in textures/trims/models/armor have been divided between textures/trims/entity/humanoid and textures/trims/entity/humanoid_leggings
- For leggings textures, the _leggings suffix is dropped
Java Runtime Environment
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot 24w36a Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
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