Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot 24w37a – Ender Pearl Chunk Loading
Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot 24w37a ensures that thrown Ender Pearls load chunks, aiming to fix teleportation issues over long distances or through a portal.
- Thrown Ender Pearls now load and tick chunks
- Added language support for High Norwegian
- The Data Pack version is now 53
- Resource Pack version is now 38
Ender Pearl Chunk Loading:
- Ender Pearls now ensure that the chunk they are in or travel into is always loaded and ticking
- They also load chunks when crossing to a new dimension, so that they can always continue to travel
- This ensures that Ender Pearls can always land, and makes cross dimensional Ender Pearl travelling more predictable
- Ender Pearls now unload when a player logs out, and reappear whenever that player logs back in, similar to how mounts currently behave
Mob Conversion Details:
In last week’s snapshot, Mojang team fixed a bug related to which data gets transferred between mobs when converted from one type to another (ex: zombie to drowned). This week, Mojang team have reverted a few of those changes (health, attributes, and loot tables are no longer transferred).
Here is a full list of tags, data, and other properties which get transferred when a mob is converted (only relevant for mobs that can have these properties):
- AbsorptionAmount
- active_effects
- Age
- AngerTime
- AngryAt
- ArmorDropChances
- ArmorItems
- Brain.memories.minecraft:angry_at.ttl
- Brain.memories.minecraft:angry_at.value
- CanBreakDoors
- CanPickUpLoot
- CustomNameVisible
- CustomName
- fall_distance
- FallFlying
- Fire
- ForcedAge
- HandDropChances
- HandItems
- HurtByTimestamp
- HurtTime
- Invulnerable
- IsBaby
- Leash
- LeftHanded
- Motion
- NoAI
- NoGravity
- OnGround
- Passengers
- PersistenceRequired
- PortalCooldown
- Position
- RootVehicle
- Rotation
- Silent
- SleepingX
- SleepingY
- SleepingZ
- Tags
- Team
Mobs that split into several mobs rather than converting from one type into another do not transfer the following properties:
- ArmorDropChances
- ArmorItems
- fall_distance
- FallFlying
- HandDropChances
- HandItems
- HurtByTimestamp
- HurtTime
- Leash
- Motion
- OnGround
- Passengers
- Position
- Rotation
- SleepingX
- SleepingY
- SleepingZ
Some properties mentioned in MC-88967 are intentionally not transferred in any conversion:
- Attributes
- Gossips
- Health
- Loot tables
- VillagerData
- Xp
Java Runtime Environment
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot 24w37a Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1