Minecraft 1.21.5 Snapshot 25w04a for the Spring 2025 drop (expected to be version 1.21.5) of Minecraft is now available in your launcher. Following a strong community demand, the fixes for bugs MC-271065 and MC-152728 have been reverted. These bugs caused negative side effects on parkour and movement in general. You can now continue to move faster when going diagonally, as well as remain sprinting when doing certain actions that would otherwise affect your movement speed. This comes with a note from the developers that the team still wants to look into altering these mechanics but admits that the way they “fixed” those bugs caused too many problems for it to be worth it. It also adds language support for Kyrgyz, so if you speak it, enjoy.


Additions and Modifications

Reversion of the following bug fixes:
  • MC-271065 – Diagonal movement is not normalized when crouching or using certain items.
  • MC-152728 – The player continues to sprint when performing actions that slow them down.

Crossbows now display all loaded projectiles in their tooltip instead of only the first one.

All loaded projectiles will also add their entire tooltip as a subsection, instead of only fireworks.

Container Items

All container items whose contents are stored, like a chest picked up with Ctrl + Scroll click, will now display the first 4 items in their tooltip, similar to Shulker Boxes.

Language Support

Added language support for Kyrgyz.

Technical Elements

Data Pack Version 64
  • The potion entity type has been split into splash_potion and lingering_potion.
  • Filled maps without a map_id component no longer display an “Unknown Map” tooltip (invalid IDs will still produce this tooltip).
  • Patterns and trim materials are no longer specified in the trim registry but in recipes and items respectively.
  • The background field in advancement definitions no longer contains the prefix textures/ and the suffix .png.
  • SNBT literals now accept heterogeneous lists.
  • Added the #can_wear_horse_armor entity tag for entities that can wear horse armor in their body slot.
  • Removed the #default_spawns and #full_moon_spawns cat variant tags.
  • The #bypasses_shield damage type tag has been renamed to #bypasses_blocking.
Item Components
  • Added the blocks_attacks component:
    • When present, this item can be used as a shield to block attacks from the player holding it.
  • Added the break_sound component:
    • When present, this sound is played when the item runs out of durability and breaks.
    • If not present, no sound will be played.
    • This component is present by default on every item type.
  • Added the provides_banner_patterns component:
    • When present, this item can be placed in the pattern slot of a loom.
  • Added the provides_trim_material component:
    • When present, this item provides the specified trim material when used in a trim recipe.
    • Note that to be used in built-in smithing recipes, the item must also be in the #trim_material tag.
  • Added the tooltip_display component:
    • This component allows ignoring tooltips specifically provided by a given item component.
    • It replaces the show_in_tooltip field and the hide_additional_tooltip and hide_tooltip components.
  • Cat and frog variants are now driven by data.
  • The angry_texture, tame_texture, and wild_texture fields for wolf variants have been consolidated into the assets field and renamed angry, tame, and wild.
  • The texture and biome fields for pig variants have been replaced by asset_id and spawn_conditions respectively.
Uniform Variant Selection
  • Variants with spawn rules now use a uniform approach for selection.
  • Selection process:
    • Each spawn_conditions field contains a list of entries.
    • Each entry is paired with a condition and an integer priority.
    • Conditions for all variants for a given entity type are evaluated for the position where the entity is spawned.
    • Entries with a priority lower than the maximum priority of remaining entries are removed.
    • The game randomly selects one entry from the remaining entries.
    • If no condition remains, the variant stays unchanged from the default value.
  • Here are the different spawn_conditions:
    • minecraft:biome:
      • Checks if the entity spawns in specific biomes.
    • minecraft:moon_brightness:
      • Checks if the current moon brightness falls within a certain range.
    • minecraft:structures:
      • Checks if the entity spawns in specific structures.

Resource Pack Version 49

  • Added the optional separator field in the palette_permutations sprite source of Atlases.




Java Runtime Environment

How to install:

Minecraft 1.21.5 Snapshot 25w04a Download Links

Client: Download from Server 1

Server: Download from Server 1

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