Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w19a (b) – Mace Nerfs, New Capes
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May 11, 2024
Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w19a (b) is here with more changes to Minecraft 1.21 including some enchantment adjustments, mace buffs and mace nerfs, and a whole lot of technical upgrades, performance improvements for chunk loading, fixing a crash when a Villager died and lots of bug fixes.
Fixed bugs:
- Crash when a villager dies
- Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block
- Launched falling_block entities do not travel through portals
- Players can be kicked for spamming in a singleplayer world with cheats disabled
- Reducing the player’s base max health using /attribute does not always reduce their current health
- Brewing stands reset brew cycle when unloaded
- Boats / rafts move into blocks when landing in less than one block deep water
- Dispenser drops honey bottle unless empty slot is available
- Mobs can pass through fences with carpets on top when growing up
- Frogs suffocating when growing
- Ender pearls can teleport players in spectator mode
- The game freezes and eventually crashes when creating a world with the “spawnChunkRadius” gamerule set to high values
- The “Trial Spawner crackles” subtitle is only displayed for a split second upon the “minecraft:block.trial_spawner.ambient” sound being played
- Fall damage multiplier attribute has unintuitive coloring
- Books placed on a lectern in creative mode are consumed
- Mace smash attack does not knock back other players when they are not the attacked entity
- Placing an oversized filled bucket resets the stack size to 1
- Eating an oversized Soup / Stew resets the stack size to 1
- Oversized book and quill stacks reset count when signed
- Buckets are lost when consuming oversized milk buckets
- Oversized music disc stacks can be duplicated with jukeboxes
- Dispensers using an oversized stack of Water Bottles resets the stack size to 1
- Cauldron deletes overstacked tinted shulker boxes
- Feeding an axolotl an oversized tropical fish bucket resets the stack size to 1
- Ominous Item Spawner spawns unstackable arrows with potion effects
- Trial spawners textures are inconsistent
- set_attributes loot function doesn’t accept an empty list
- Maces enchanted with wind burst don’t reliably protect players from fall damage
- Getting data with /data command from a block/chest with a large amount of data can cause the game to crash
- Data generator items report is not deterministic
- “foodSaturationLevel” can be negative
- The data type of the “minecraft:custom_data” component of the recipe result will be forcibly modified
- Items in a container can be given a count above 99 (to max integer), and can crash the world
- Knowledge books with a max stack size over 1 consume all items in the stack when used
- Components that set a status effect sometimes lose parts of the data
- Entity ID inside EntityTag is ignored when updating a world to 1.20.5
- Banner pattern entries without colors are invalidated when upgrading to 1.20.5
- Unexpected error when modifying skull’s custom name to an invalid value
- Crafting ingredients remain in the grid after crafting certain items, causing item duplication
- The quick charge enchantment on crossbows no longer increases the crossbow loading speed
- Sharpness and mob-specific damage enchantments reduce attack damage instead of increasing it
- Breach and Density enchantments aren’t mutually exclusive
- Blocks reappear when mined instantly
- Soul Speed causes your FOV to change whenever you jump
- Riptide enchantment does not work properly
- Sweep attacks no longer trigger consistently
- Campfires knockback the player
- Moving while being attacked no longer deals knockback correctly
- Mace can no longer be enchanted with Fire Aspect
- Fire Protection tooltip is displayed in red text despite being a positive effect
- The fire aspect enchantment can change the “lit” states of redstone lamps, redstone torches, copper bulbs, furnaces, smokers, and blast furnaces
- The fire aspect enchantment can turn on campfires and candles while underwater
- When holding a fire aspect weapon in the mainhand, thrown tridents in the offhand will set mobs on fire
- Frost walker deletes waterlogged blocks
- Interacting with certain villagers with the villager trade rebalance enabled causes client crash
- “projectile_spawned” enchantment effect always activates at 0, 0, 0
- Lighting candles and campfires with fire aspect doesn’t send vibration to sculk sensors
- The drop rate of wither skeleton skulls is lowered by 0.01
- The game can crash when upgrading worlds with zombie villagers from before 1.9
- Weapon with Bane of Arthropods can only give the target slowness I instead of slowness IV
- The enchantment entity effect type “run_command” always runs the command in the overworld
- Holding items enchanted with thorns in your hand no longer works as if you were wearing them
- Key Binds background is darker than the rest of UI
- Enchantment entity effect “apply_mob_effect” never applies an amplifier even if one is defined.
- The item.trident.thunder sound can no longer be heard by the player who was struck by a lightning
Mace changes:
- Raised Mace durability from 250 to 500
- Reduced Mace base damage to 5
- Lower the Mace attack speed from -2.4 to -3.5
- Reduced Density damage per level per block to 0.5
- Mace Smash attack damage now has a fall off:
- First 3 blocks fallen give 4 damage per block
- Next 5 blocks fallen give 2 damage per block
- Any block fallen after that give 1 damage per block
- Density and Breach are now incompatible with each other and the other damage enchantments (Smite and Bane of Arthropods)
Vanilla Changes
- Blocks frozen by Frost Walker now emit “Block Placed” vibrations (frequency 13)
- Changes to sounds
- Improved chunk loading performance
- Data Pack version is now 43
- Added 4 new cave ambient sounds
- Replaced turn off and turn on sounds for Copper Bulb with one toggle sound
Chunk loading improvements
- When reading an already generated chunk from disk, surrounding chunks are no longer unnecessarily loaded
- This is also visible on the singleplayer world loading screen
- The new system has less memory and CPU overhead
Java Runtime Environment
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w19a Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w19b Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
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