Minecraft 1.5 Pre-release
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March 7, 2013
It’s finally time to release the Minecraft Redstone Update pre-release!
The change log is as follows…
- Added Redstone Comparator (used in Redstone logic)
- Added Hopper (collects items and moves them to containers)
- Added Dropper (similar to Dispensers, but always drops the item)
- Added Activator Rail (activates TNT Minecarts)
- Added Daylight Sensor
- Added Trapped Chest
- Added Weighed Pressure Plate
- Added Block of Redstone
- Added Nether Brick (item)
- Added Nether Quartz and ore
- Added Block of Quartz, with half blocks and chiseled variants
- New command: /scoreboard
- New command: /effect
- Containers and mobs can have custom names
- Inventory management has been changed, for example you can drag-place items over slots
- Texture packs now have separate images for each block and item, and can have animations
- Nether Quartz Ore now spawns in the Nether
- Smooth lighting now has three settings (none, minimal, maximum)
- More detailed death messages
- Some hostile mobs now are harder in Hard difficulty
- Many, many, bug fixes
- Removed Herobrine
This update will be officially released next week on
Wednesday, March 13
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