Minecraft But With Baby Difficulty (1.17.1, 1.16.5) is a data pack that adds a new game mode to Minecraft! That’s Baby Mode, Which is an easier mode than peaceful! So you might wonder why is it easier than peaceful, well, read the features to know more! Enjoy playing this data pack!


General Features:
– In all dimensions when a wither is spawned, the wither automatically dies
– All tools are automatically enchanted with the best enchantments
– No fall damage
– No drowning damage
– No lava damage
– Keep inventory is always on
– When a potion is drunk, you get the effect infinitely (only positive potion effects)

– Stone drops every ore so there is no need to mine and smelt ores
– All peaceful mobs that drop food multiply when killed
– When you drop a diamond on the floor, a nether portal will spawn so there is no need for you to make it
– Whenever a hostile mob in an 8 block radius gets close to you, they automatically die
– When you swim, God speaks to you, you get night vision, dolphins grace, water breathing, and a free boat

– Any lava in a 3 block radius of you will turn into obsidian
– Upon entering the nether, you will get 32 pearls, 16 blaze rods, and 16 ender eyes
– Enderman always drop 2 pearls
– Blaze’s always drop 12 rods
– Wither skeleton’s always drop their heads

– Upon entering the end, the ender dragon dies
– All enderman in an 8 block radius of you die
– You get the advancement “free the end”
– You get teleported to the middle of the island
– You absolutely roast the ender dragon in the chat


How to Install:

Please note that this data pack requires the appropriate resource pack and will not work with out it. Make sure to install that as well!

  1. Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Data Packs
  2. Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Data Packs

Minecraft But With Baby Difficulty Data Pack (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Data Pack: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.17.1

Data Pack: Download from Server 1

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