Minecraft But [Your Choice] Drop OP Items Addon (1.19) (or MB[YC]DOI) features over 32 different types of powerful loot drops and with our new combination pack, you can make 504 unique pair choices. You have the freedom to choose your desired options through the addon behavior setting. It is easily playable on any device, compact and user-friendly, with both addons taking up less than 200KB of storage space. Be sure to read the description for more information.


This addon has 32+ choices for you. After selecting any of these choices and doing the same thing that you select then you get op loot drops.

All 32+ Choices:

  1. Moving
  2. Running
  3. Jumping
  4. Sneaking
  5. Riding
  6. Gliding
  7. Swimming
  8. Sleeping
  9. Dirt, grass block, and moss block
  10. Stone, cobblestone, deepslate, and cobbled deepslate
  11. Netherrack and glowstone
  12. End stone and obsidian
  13. Sand
  14. Gravel
  15. Clay
  16. Snow and ice
  17. Dripstone block and pointed dripstone
  18. Chest
  19. Boats
  20. Seagrass and kelp
  21. Glow berries and sweet berries
  22. Leaves and grasses
  23. Flowers
  24. Farming
  25. Ores
  26. Shearing sheep
  27. Shearing snow golem
  28. Milking cow
  29. Killing passive mob
  30. Killing hostile mob
  31. Killing player
  32. Taking damage
  33. [9-32] Everything drops op items

OP Drop Loot Item Details:

  • Op Armor (Max enchanted)

  • Op Weapons (Max enchanted)

  • Op Tools (Max enchanted)

  • Op Foods

  • Op Chest Loot (Minecraft vanilla structure chest loot)

  • Op Vanilla Backpack (In All Colours)

  • Op Enchantment Books  (All Vanilla Enchanted Books)

  • Other OP Items (Some Many items)

Installation Note:

  • If you’re looking for more options to play with, don’t forget to check out MB[YC]DOI’s combination pack.

Combination pack details:

  • When you use a combination pack with this addon then you can able to play 504 unique combinations or choices pair
  • Install both packs in your world and then select different choices from both packs
  • Example:- 7 and 10, 1 and 9, 32 and 4, and more like 504 pairs

Note: Make sure the primary addon is on top and the secondary is below:

(After that you can able to play 504 unique combinations or choices)

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Minecraft But [Your Choice] Drop OP Items Addon (1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

MB[YC]DOI Addon: Download from server 1Download from server 2

MB[YC]DOI’s Combination Pack: Download from server 1Download from server 2

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