Minecraft Snapshot 13w02a
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January 10, 2013
Time for a new snapshot! The major changes are:
- Textures for blocks and items now have individual image files (read more below)
- Improved death messages
- Improved naming (using the anvil) of containers and mob eggs
- Trapped chests now give off the redstone signal through walls
- Improved hoppers and made them controllable by redstone
- Updated language files
- Language files can now be updated via the background downloader (no need for a new Minecraft release)
Notes about the new texture pack system: Starting from this snapshot and forward, blocks and items will no longer load their artwork from one big sheet of sprites. Instead, they’ll have individual files for each image they’re using. The benefit from this is that it will be easier for us to support custom blocks and items in the future. It will also allow us to mix and match block artwork resolutions, and make sure that you get graphics for blocks that your current texture pack isn’t updated for.
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