Minecraft Snapshot 13w10b
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March 7, 2013
The 1.5 pre-release is expected tomorrow! In the meantime, help test out the latest round of Snapshot goodness!
- Dispensers and droppers will now only fire once when they receive a redstone signal. To fire again, the signal must be turned off and on again. (Previously a dispenser would fire whenever it had a signal and a nearby block changed.)
- Redstone and components stay powered after unloading chunks
- Dispenser and Dropper shooting out when updated
- Server crashes if spaces are input on the console
- Night Vision Potions that are edited to last longer create a potentially seizure-inducing flashing sky background.
- Furnace interface occasionally closes when adding fuel, deleting all items in the furnace
- Named Mobs Don’t have Named Babies
- Getting into a minecart with a mob in it crashes minecraft
- 2 Hoppers funneling unstackable items into a 3rd Hopper at the same time cause the 3rd Hopper to not funnel items into a container
- Dispensers continually shoot/use certain items like water buckets and flint&steel
- Comparators still giving off power when hopper inventory is empty
- Animals can breed over distances up to almost 8 blocks when only seperated by fences
- Message “THIS TOO” in console
- Full hoppers feeding into full hoppers causes the forward hopper to stall
- Adding items to brewing stand using dropper does not change state of comparator
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