Minecraft Snapshot 13w22a
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May 31, 2013
Snapshot 13w22a has lots of general bug fixes that should help keep even the silliest of Horses happy.
- Sleeping while in a Minecart produces a graphical glitch
- Argument “team” do not work with “!” for other players
- Scoreboard problem with “seeFriendlyInvisibles”
- Horse can climb ladders/vines
- Horses graze on non-grass blocks, also underwater
- Leashes break when riding a horse
- Cannot tie wild horses and foals
- Stacked Entity Spawner creating mass duplicate ghost entities
- Horse armor not keeping enchantments when dropping from a horse
- Crash due to corrupt pack.png in texture pack
- Horses break lead when being lead when they stop to eat grass
- Unable to move previously ridden horses after reloading the world
- Problem with horse movement.
- Horses not running fast in creative
- Horse – Shift Key Locking
- IllegalStateException: Server tried to update attributes of a non-living entity
- Horse Speed does not remain constant
Client: Download from Server 1
Server (Jar): Download from Server 1
Server (Exe): Download from Server 1
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