Minecraft Snapshot 13w25c
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June 21, 2013
Update: A ‘c’ snapshot has been released and will be downloaded automatically by the launcher
- ‘doFiretick’ makes fire to not extinguish. Lighting makes fire all over the place!
- Death counter does not update
- Pick block from inventory in creative doesn’t preserve size of stacks
- Tamed Wolves/Cats Teleporting when Leashed to a Fence
- Entities other than the player can’t leave the end
- Other player’s cats can be tied to a lead and dragged away
- Unable to load ResourcePack with missing directory-ZipEntries.
- Credits end too fast
- Dogs’ health depleted upon world loading
- Keeping items with /clear glitch
- First my sound was off and I was going to turn it up, but when I did it crashed.
Client: Download from Server 1
Server (Jar): Download from Server 1
Server (Exe): Download from Server 1
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