Minecraft Snapshot 14w04a
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January 24, 2014
Minecraft Snapshot 14w04a has been released!
Snapshot Changelogs:
Notable additions for survival:
- Item frames can give off a signal detected by Comparators.
- Lots of changes to villager AI. Some of them now actually do stuff!
- Looting now gives 1% chance of rare loot per level
- Iron Golems/Zombie Pigmen now drop items on normal kills
- You can now spawn Iron Golems/Snow Golems/Withers with dispensers + pumpkin/skulls respectively
- Bushes can now catch fire
- Buttons can now be placed on ceiling/floors
- Seecret Changes
- Balancing tweaks!
Notable additions for mapmakers:
- New command /particle to show particle effects in the world. It can also be relative to entities. Example:
/particle lava ~ ~1 ~ 1 1 1 0.5 2 @e[type=Chicken]
- Added the ability to filter block types in the /fill command, but only if it’s used to fill in replace mode with “normal” blocks. It does not work when filling with block entities. Syntax:
/fill replace [filterBlockName] [filterData]
- Fixed most of the remaining issues with the /clone command, for example chest orientation.
Bugs fixed:
- Ladder, Sign, Fence, Gate, Trapdoor causes block it is placed in to darken
- Transparent blocks raise the light level of the block they’re in visually by one
- Whole-word selection behaves erratically in chat
- Pumpkin texture flips when made into snowman
- New AI mobs see through invisibility
- Dead bushes and Saplings do not burn
- Withers are harmed by the explosions of their Wither Skulls
- Mouse is centered when going to previous menu with ESC
- Stone monster eggs Spawn 2 Silverfish
- Furnace Progress Remains After Changing Ingredient
- Lava fizz sound plays whenever a flowing lava block destroys an air block
- No Colon after Game Mode in World Options
- server-icon.png alpha channel display
- Normal players can use player selectors
- Silverfish can infest Granite/Andesite/Diorite
- Lava spreads further than it should
- /difficulty doesn’t update on singleplayer
- Doors get added to the list of village doors over and over again
- /kill Not Killing Invulnerable Entity
- /clone doesnt clone TileEntity orientation
- Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Loading entity NBT
- Tripwire is invisible
- The world freezes if an Enderman is being hit.
- Skin Layers Appear to be Off when Travelling through Portals
- Skin’s Second Layers Invisible in First Person
- Id for cooked fish is “minecraft:cooked_fished”
- New skin layer jacket acts enchanted when enchanted pants equipped
- Double Shift = Sprint
- Problem with auto-completion of commands
To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher.
Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server (Jar): Download from Server 1
Server (Exe): Download from Server 1
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