Mini Moos Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 (Mini Cows)
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August 27, 2019
Mini Moos Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 adds mini cows, they can be milked for fluids and have their stats enhanced. It is based on the mod Moo Fluids but takes a different approach. Cows from Moo Fluids can be converted if both mods are installed.
- Fluid Moos that can have any fluid (has long as it can be put into a bucket).
- Demon & Sacred Moos, they give items to increase the stats of fluid moos.
- Forsaken Moos give items to breed Scared & Demon moos.
- Moos will not spawn in Mushroom islands to prevent problems with Mooshrooms.
- Mini Wheat can be used to breed fluid moos, made with wheat and blaze powder.
- Fluid Moos can be healed with Golden Apples.
- Fluids can have their spawn rate configured.
- The fluid dimension is adapted based on a known fluid database, if the mod can’t find it, it will use the following rules:
- Fluid Temperatures below water (300) only spawn in the end.
- Fluid Temperatures above or equal to lava (1300) only spawn in the nether.
- Fluid Temperatures between those two spawn in the overworld.
- Demon Moo spawn in the nether and Sacred Moo in the overworld. (They are different entities from the fluid moo)
- Forsaken Moo spawns in the end.
- The Spawn rates of the Special moos can be ajusted on the config.
- The spawn rate of fluid moos can be ajusted by dimension.
- The max stats can be configured.
- There is a gamerule “spawnMiniMoos” that can be used to turn off their spawn.
- The max delay and if they spawn ready to be milked can also be configured.
- The Fool Moo can be turned off or on (Feature inspired by foolcraft).
- The Fool Moo rate is configurable.
- Boss moos can be turned off or on.
- Halloween Moos spawn frequently on October.
- Halloween Moos can be turn off.
- Halloween Moos can spawn all year but in a much lower rate.
- Fluid Moos are named based on their fluids.
- Fluid Moo Catalogue to help keep track of the moos you have.
- Removes duplicated moos, will spam a “skipping entity with id” warning, should stop spamming after the world gets clean of duplicated moos.
Upgrading Stats
- Upgrading Fluid Moos
- Fluid Moos can be upgraded using Golden Essences and Demon Souls.
- That will raise their stats one point, until they reach the limit (configurable, can be unlimited), however each time a moo is upgraded their delay is reapplied just like if they were milked.
- The stat Quantity defines the number of buckets a moo can give, each quantity equals a bucket. (default limit is 4)
- The stat Efficiency reduces the delay it takes for them to get milked, the normal delay is divided by the efficiency level. (default limit is 4)
- Obtaining Golden Essences and Demon Souls
- Golden Essence is obtained by killing Sacred Moos with a 10% chance of drop (Twice as much as a wither skull). Killing the moo with looting will give one extra item per looting level. (Looting III will give 3 extra essences)
- Sacred Moos spawn on the Overworld and their rate can be adjusted on the config
- Demon Soul is obtained by killing Demon Moos with a 10% chance of drop (Twice as much as a wither skull). Killing the moo with looting will give one extra item per looting level. (Looting III will give 3 extra souls)
- Demon Moos spawn on the Nether and their rate can be adjusted on the config
Milking Moos
- Bucket Milking
- To get the fluid from a fluid moo, you will need a bucket. Just right click on it and you will milk the moo, sending it into a cooldown/delay before you can milk it again.
- If the moo a Quantity higher then 1 then you will need to take all the buckets before it is sent into cooldown.
- Rancher Milking
- If you have Mine Factory Reloaded installed you can use a rancher to get the fluid from the moo. The fluid from the moo will go into the tank until it is filled. You should note that buckets cannot be used with the rancher and fluid moos.
Breeding Moos
- Normal Breeding
- Breeding comes disabled by default, and won’t function if you do not have Tinker’s Construct installed. If tinkers is present, then they can mate.
- You need mini wheat to breed cows, and if breeding is disabled, mini wheat serves only to attract moos. Mini Wheat can be obtained by putting a Wheat and Blaze Powder on the crafting table.
- Breeding works the same as creating alloys in a smeltery from tinkers. So you will need two compatible moos that can result in an alloy. (This only works with alloys that require only 2 fluids to be made).
- An example would be breeding a water moo with a lava moo, resulting in a Baby Obsidian Moo.
- Forsaken Breeding
- Forsaken moos drop Forsaken Fruit on kill, those fruits have a 40% chance of dropping and drop from 1 to 3 items (Looting does not affect this drops).
- Forsaken Fruits are used to make sacred or demon moos to have babies. Feed it to one moo and it will yield a baby, with a 25% failing chance (configurable). (Yes those moos are hermaphrodites and do not need a partner to reproduce)
- Forsaken Moos can be found roaming in the End
How to install:
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