Mining and Crafting Seed
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November 24, 2013
Really cool seed! Spawns you right near two villages (one being half plains and half desert), a not-too-far away Mesa and, most especially, and EPIC Savannah Plateau M Biome!
Spawn points: X: 14 / Y: 64 / Z: 105
- X: 36 / Y: 64 / Z: 131: A village you spawn literally right next to.
- X: -187 / Y: 69 / Z: 36: The other village in two biomes.
- X: -7 / Y: 88 / Z: -206: The Savannah Plateau M Biome. Highest Point is over 200 blocks tall! Reaching the top might be difficult!
- X: 21 / Y: 64 / Z: 1,117: A Mesa biome.
Other Locations:
- 201,554 – Gold and Iron
- 570, 265 – Gold and Diamond
- 378, 91 – Gold, Iron and Diamond
- 361,-309 – Iron and Gold
- 682, -484 – Saddle and Emerald
- 889,-741 – Saddle, Diamond and Emerald
- -Village 1152,-976 has horses nearby.
- 1849,-725 – 2 Saddles, Gold and Emerald
Jungle (the mesa seems local compared to the nearest jungle!)
- 4217,-2727 – Iron and Gold
- 3893,-3300 – Iron Horse Armour and Iron
- 4136,-3289 – Saddle and Iron
- 3370,-3511 – Gold Horse Armour, Saddle and Gold
Mushroom islands 500,-2222 and north.
Seed ID: MiningAndCrafting
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