Mo’ Cow Mod 1.7.2 (New Hostile Cows)
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September 24, 2017
Mo’ Cow Mod 1.7.2 adds 16 new cows to Minecraft. One cool feature of this mod is that most the cows are very dangerous and run quickly. You will even find Herobrine Cows, Creeper Cows, Flying Cows, and many more crazy mobs. Breed and grow like superheroes.
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drops 1 raw porckchop
Creeper Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drops 1 gunpowder
- Has a larger explosion radius
Fish Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drops 1 cooked fish
Skeleton Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drops 1 bone
- Burns in the daylight
Herobrine Cow
- Kills the player instantly
- Drop of Golden Apples
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
Terminator Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drops 1 diamond
Apple Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drops 1 apple
BirthDay Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drops 1 cake
Blue Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- If you attack the cow start to run really fast
- Drop 1 Enderpearl
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drop 1 leather
Candy Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drop 1 sugar
Clouds Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drop 1 feather
Ice Cream Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drop 1 sugar
Ender Cow
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- When you try to it the cow start teleport behind you
- Drop 1 Enderpearl
Flying Mushroom
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- When they see you start launch fireball (like blaze)
- Drop Mushroom soup
- Walks twice as fast as normal cow
- Drop Wheat
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
Mo’ Cow Mod 1.7.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.2
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