Mo’ Enchantments Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) – 30+ New Enchantments
Mo’ Enchantments Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) adds 30+ new configurable vanilla-friendly enchantments to the game.
- Auto Smelting: Makes any tool pick up the smelted variant of the block it mines, this applies for any block that has a smelting result
- Poison Aspect: Like fire aspect, but deals a little more damage since it applies poison instead of fire
- Rebirth: Shield Enchantment to consume a totem of undying in the inventory without the need to have it in hand
- Stunning: Tool Enchantment to apply weakness and slowness for a very little amount of time
- Agility: Pants Enchantment to go faster
- Jumper: Pants Enchantment to jump higher
- Pain Power: Chestplate Enchantment to give positive effects on low HP
- Sunlight Blessing: Incompatible with mending, restores durability under sunlight (also works on armor stands)
- Length: Tool enchantment to reach blocks from further away
- Floating: Elytra Enchantment to glide slower
- Boosting: Sword Enchantment to get more xp from killing mobs
- Ice Aspect: Sword Enchantment to freeze enemies on hit
- Curse of Slowness: Leggings Curse to go slower
- Bait: Adds the chance to get more fish from fishing even when you don’t get fish (doesn’t affect the loot pool)
- Blood Blade: Makes health regen on mob kill
- Curse of Demolition: Curse to make objects get destroyed more easily
- Lightness: Enchantment to make swords hit faster
- Lava Walker: Boots Enchantment similar to frost walker, but on lava. It generates basalt that does not disappear naturally
- Spikes: Shield Enchantment to reflect some damage to the attacker
- Blocking: Chance of blocking damage with a shield while holding it with this enchantment
- Acceleration: Crossbow Enchantment to deal more damage based on distance
- Reflection: Shield Enchantment to reflect projectiles at higher than normal speed and damage
- Reach: (1.19.2+) Sword Enchantment to attack from slightly further away
- Enhancement: Tool Enchantment to get xp from mining blocks and more from those that already give it
- Execution: Axe Enchantment that kills an enemy if the attack brings them to low enough health
- Wave: Trident Enchantment that increases its knockback and shows a water particle effect
- Blaze Guard: Shield Enchantment that sets attackers on fire while blocking
- Chill Guard: Shield Enchantment that freezes attackers while blocking
- Soaring: Elytra Enchantment that makes you fly slightly faster
- Sensing: Helmet Enchantment that grants permanent night vision
- Curse of Moonlight: Slowly damages items held under the moonlight
- Replanting: Automatically replants crops when harvested
- Anti-Water Bane: Trident Enchantment to deal more damage to mobs vulnerable to water
- Oath of the Nose: Sword Enchantment to deal more damage to Illagers and mobs with a large nose
- Frost: Freezing counterpart to Flame
- Curse of Voiding: Destroys the loot given from killed mobs or destroyed blocks
Treasure Enchantments:
- Rebirth
- Agility
- Curse of Slowness
- Jumper
- Sunlight’s Blessing
- Pain Power
- Curse of Demolition
- Lava Walker
- Execution
- Curse of Moonlight
- Curse of Voiding
Default Enchantment Compatibility:
- Auto-Smelting: Incompatible with Fortune, Silk Touch, Enhancement
- Poison aspect: Incompatible with Fire aspect, Ice Aspect
- Agility: Incompatible with Jumper and Curse of slowness
- Jumper: Incompatible with Agility and Curse of slowness
- Sunlight Blessing: Incompatible with Mending and Curse of Moonlight
- Boosting: Incompatible with Looting and Blood blade
- Curse Of Slowness: Incompatible with Agility and Jumper
- Blood Blade: Incompatible with Looting and Boosting
- Curse of Demolition: Incompatible with Unbreaking
- Lightness: Incompatible with Sweeping edge and Reach
- Lava Walker: Incompatible with Frost Walker
- Spikes: Incompatible with Reflection
- Reflection: Incompatible with Spikes
- Reach (1.19.2+): Incompatible with Sweeping edge, Lightness
- Enhancement: Incompatible with Silk Touch, Fortune, Auto-smelting
- Blaze Guard: Incompatible with Chill Guard
- Chill Guard: Incompatible with Blaze Guard
- Sensing: Incompatible with Respiration
- Curse of Moonlight: Incompatible with Mending and Sunlight’s Blessing
- Oath of the Nose: Incompatible with Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods
- Anti-Water Bane: Incomaptible with Impaling
- Frost: Incompatible with Flames
How to install:
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Mo’ Enchantments Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.16.5
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.18.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19.3, 1.19.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19.4
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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