Mob Sandwiches Mod 1.7.10
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August 30, 2016
Mob Sandwiches Mod 1.7.10. Ever get swarmed by zombies, had bad trades with villagers, or just plain hate a mob? Well just eat them away!
List of Effects for ALL the Sandwiches:
- Zombie: Night Vision for 1 minute
- Skeleton: Speed IV
- Spider: Poison II
- Creeper: Strength II
- Slime: Jump Boost XI
- Guardian: Water Breathing for 1 minute
- Magma Cube: Fire Resistance 3 for a minute, and Jump Boost 3 for a minute.
- Wither Skeleton: Wither 3 for a minute and Strength 3 for a minute
- Silverfish: Mining Fatigue 4 for a minute
- Endermite: Blindness 1 and Strength 1 for a minute
- Zombie Pigman: Strength 3 for a minute
- Enderman: Absorption 3 for a minute
- Blaze: Fire Resistance for 2 minutes
- Ghast: Slowness 4 for a minute
- Ender Dragon: Jump Boost 49 for a minute and Nausea for a minute
- Wither: Instant Health 4 for a minute
- Snow Golem: Slowness 1 for a minute
- Iron Golem: Slowness 4 and strength 4 for 30 seconds
- Cow: Regeneration for a minute
- Sheep: Invisibility 1 for 5 minutes
- Pig: Nausea 9 for 5 minutes
- Chicken: Hunger 3 for a minute
- Wolf: Swiftness 4 for a minute
- Ocelot: Weakness 1 for a minute
- Villager: Regen 3 for a minute
- Mooshroom: Regen 2 for a minute
- Rabbit: Jump Boost 1 for a minute
- Horse: Swiftness 11 for a minute
- Squid: Water Breathing for 2 minutes
- Bat: Haste 4 for a minute
Mod Showcases:
How to install Mob Sandwiches Mod 1.7.10
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- Enjoy the mod.
Download Links for Mob Sandwiches Mod 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.7.10
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