Mod Types: Forge
Forge Mods are installations that modify the way the Minecraft game appears and operates. Obviously, this specific type of mod is only compatible with Minecraft Forge.
Kazmur Ore Cow Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) introduces a new way for you to gather ores in Minecraft. There are...
Giacomo’s Chat Fix Mod (1.20.2, 1.20.1) is a simple, lightweight mod that fixes a simple issue...
Copper Evolution Mod (1.20.1) adds a new theme of gameplay into Minecraft. The mod focuses on copper,...
If you’re looking for a ghost-style experience, Kaguya Client Mod (1.12.2) might be just what you...
SaoMclib Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) is a library used by most Sword Art Online Minecraft mods. It includes...
More Signs! Mod (1.20.6, 1.20.1) introduces a wide variety of signs, allowing players to immerse themselves...
MinusBounce Client Mod (1.8.9) is the best free client at the beginning of 2024, it is packaged and released...
Kvn Client Mod (1.12.2) is a remake of the original mod called Kvn Utility Mod by Kevin3000, designed...
Radiant Gear Mod (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a straightforward compatibility bridge between the Curios API or...
GoldGrinder Client Mod (1.8.9) allows you to grind gold efficiently in the game. It’s particularly...
Damage Tint Mod (1.8.9) changes the color of entities when they take damage, this mod provides immediate,...
The Wetlands Mod (1.20.1) introduces a new dimension into the game. This new dimension, called the Murkwood...
Sweet Tales Update Mod (1.20.1) adds a whole new underground civilization into the game. This is the...
Klsts’ Beyond Netherite Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) introduces three new materials that you can use to...
ViaForge Mod (1.12.2, 1.8.9) is a powerful tool, in which, players can play with newer version Mods by...