Mod Types: Forge
Forge Mods are installations that modify the way the Minecraft game appears and operates. Obviously, this specific type of mod is only compatible with Minecraft Forge.
Corail Pillar Extension Chisel Mod (1.12.2, 1.11.2) adds some variants of pillars coming from the textures...
Chisel Facades Mod (1.7.10) is a small compatibility mod that adds Chisel’s blocks as BuildCraft...
Survival after the apocalypse is a fairly common situation in the game, but if you are searching for...
Chisel Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game, useful for building. Most...
The FTB Skies Modpack (1.19.2) is a modpack that provides a one-of-a-kind and immersive experience that...
WTHIT Harvestability Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) is a must-have Minecraft mod that takes the guesswork out of...
Thermaloot Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) is a game-altering Minecraft mod that injects excitement into your loot-hunting...
The Create Mechanical Spawner Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) is a game-changing Minecraft mod that introduces a...
Crafting Dead Survival Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) is an addon to Crafting Dead Mod that adds various different...
Crafting Dead Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) is a Minecraft mod that puts you into a Zombie Apocalypse. Look for...
The John Reborn Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a horror mod inspired from the 2011 Minecraft Mod, The John Mod,...
Archaic Guns Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) adds medieval / fantasy guns to the game. This is an addon for the...
InGame Info XML Serene Seasons Mod (1.12.2) adds tags for Serene Seasons to InGame Info XML. This does...
Serene Seasons Pam’s HarvestCraft 2 Trees Compat Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) adds compatibility between...
Joy187’s Additional Guns Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) adds 17 new guns, 5 ammo types, 7 attachments to...