Mod Types: Forge
Forge Mods are installations that modify the way the Minecraft game appears and operates. Obviously, this specific type of mod is only compatible with Minecraft Forge.
Economy Inc. Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) will add a simple and safe economy to your world (credit card, bills,...
No Default Auto-Jump Mod (1.18.2, 1.17.1) is an incredibly simple mod simply disables the vanilla auto-jump...
Horse Carts Mod (1.16.5, 1.15.2) adds a horse cart that can be attached to a rideable entity (horse,...
It Shall Not Tick Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) is a performance enhancing mod that limits entity ticking to within...
Grass Slabs Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) brings to your world many types of Slabs, carpets & stairs. Normally,...
Agrarian Skies 2 Modpack (1.7.10) integrates features and Mods that are invented to further ameliorate...
Redstone Gates Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.1) adds logic gates to Minecraft and other Redstone stuff. Features: AND...
Armor Sound Tweak Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) integrates into the game a multitude of new sounds that will be...
Varied Commodities Mod (1.12.2, 1.11.2) adds various items and block. Originally these items were included...
CoralReef Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) is an indirect port of the Coral Reef mod made by Nandonalt. All the code...
DrawerFPS Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) optimizes the game’s fps by tweaking a rather obvious, yet, often...
Hearthstones Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) brings a new magical stone into your world that allows you to teleport...
Puddles Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) makes the puddles appear on solid blocks when it rains. Do you like puddles?...
Quick Harvest Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) adds in right-click harvesting to crops and auto replants afterwards. Features: Supported...
Redstone Flux Windmills Mod (1.7.10) adds four tiers of wind turbines based on Thermal Expansion’s...