Mod Types: NeoForge
NeoForge is a Minecraft Forge fork created by the original Forge team after they resigned from working on Forge. Neoforge mods is a collection of mods that are compatible with this latest Java Modloader.
There are plenty of ways to travel in Minecraft. Some of the faster methods like ice highways take a...
Overpowered Mending Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) changes how Mending enchantments work. Mending enchantment has...
Hand Over Your Items Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) brings a new feature to the game, allowing you to give items...
Minecraft has many visual and audio elements that are not used in the game. They are hidden within the...
World Border Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a mod that offers a customizable and minimalistic solution for establishing...
Bottled Air Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) will allow players to breathe underwater without the need to surface....
Better Modlist Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) enhances the way you view and manage your installed mods. This mod...
Conduits Prevent Drowned Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a minimalistic configurable mod that disables drowned...
Mineral Chance Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) integrates a new feature, which adds a small chance of a regular...
BlockFront Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is a Minecraft modification, immersing the player in a unique World War...
Borderless Window Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) replaces the standard Minecraft fullscreen mode with a custom...
Configuration API (1.21.3, 1.20.1) introduces annotation based configs which can use various file formats...
Dungeons Content Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) brings the world of Minecraft a bunch of new content. The game...
More Beautiful Buttons Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) adds over 200 buttons for pressing pleasure! Some buttons...
AdvancedAE Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) introduces advanced pattern providers, a quantum computer, and a quantum...