Modded Bingo Mod (1.12.2) is a scavenger hunt minigame. The goal of this game is to collect items on the bingo card. The game is won by collecting 5 items in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line. This game also supports multiplayer, and customization.


How to play:

To play Modded Bingo you have to run a few commands. These commands require cheats to be enabled on your world, or for you to have OP status if you are playing on a dedicated server. The following steps will walk you through the process of creating and starting a game.

  1. Run the “/bingo create” command.
  2. Run the “/bingo team <red|green|blue|yellow>” command to join a team. All players are on the red team by default.
  3. Run the “/bingo start” command to start the game. Please be aware that this command will teleport all players to new positions. It will also clear their inventories.
  4. When the game has been won, you can run the create command to start a new game, or use the “/bingo stop” command to end the game and hide the bingo card.

If you want to further customize your game, the create command has some additional optional values that you can use to further customize your game. The full command with optional values is “/bingo create [gamemode] [groupTeams] [seed]”.

  • gamemode – This determines the item pool and other effects that happen in the game, such as the potion effects received at the start of a game. The included gamemodes are “bingo:default”, and “bingo:classic”.
  • groupTeams – This determines whether or not team mates should spawn at the same position. This is true by default, and can be set to false to turn this off and give everyone unique positions.
  • seed – This seed is used to control how the game is randomized. This can be any random text, as long as it does not contain a space character.


  • /bingo – The root command for all commands added by this mod. Using it on it’s own will provide the names of all commands added by the mod.
  • /bingo help – Provides basic info on how to use all the commands added by the mod.
  • /bingo create [gamemode] [groupTeams] [seed] – Creates a new game of bingo.
  • /bingo team <red|green|blue|yellow> – Sets your team to the team color of your choice.
  • /bingo start – Starts the game that was created.
  • /bingo stop – Stops the game and hides the bingo HUD.


Minecraft Forge

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For Minecraft 1.12.2

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