Transform your world into a modern wonderland by constructing and designing contemporary structures such as houses, buildings, offices, bedrooms, kitchens, wardrobes, and more with the use of these innovative decorative modern blocks. Craft exquisite modern furniture with various styles, incorporate unique tile patterns with numerous variations, and pave your roads to perfection with all the necessary tools and resources! Modern Blocks Addon (1.20, 1.19) introduces over 1000 modern blocks to the game, including modern bookshelves, cabinets, drawers, tiles, and 3D block furniture. The majority of the blocks have 16 different colors, as well as wooden blocks that come in various wood types. In addition, the customizable tiles enable you to add a diverse range of patterns using Tile Pattern and much more!



There are also tools in this addon used to destroy certain blocks, hence it’s not yet possible to destroy custom blocks faster in survival using vanilla tools so these tools were made.

  • Plastic Axe – used to destroy the plastic type of blocks faster
  • Wood Saw – used to destroy the wood type of blocks faster including vanilla blocks
  • Sledgehammer – used to destroy the stone type of blocks and tiles faster including vanilla blocks


Tiles are one of the key components used in the construction industry for building interior and exterior floors, footpaths, swimming pools, walls, partitions, and roofs. There are different Tiles added in the game and each has its own unique properties, textures, and uses.
There are 260 different tiles added in the game and each has a slabs type. Tiles have 16 different colors and each can add 5 different patterns, there are also other types of Tiles: Porcelain Tiles which has a rough texture good for flooring outdoor; Wooden Tile which has a wood texture; Checkered Tiles which have 16 different colors; Pool Tiles and Bathroom Tiles
Here are some example builds using Tiles:

This pool is made with pool tile and a pool liner on the border of the pool

It looks like the more realistic pool, right?

Decorative Blocks:

There are hundreds of blocks you can use as decoration, building structures, designing and etc. Most decorative blocks are made with liquid plastics, liquid plastic is made when crude oil is smelted in a blast furnace.

Hence Chemistry Table in the game isn’t craftable so you can’t get crude oil in survival, so the author will add a recipe for them. The recipes are the same in the addon, the author was also created called Uncraftable.

There’s also an alternative way to produce liquid plastic, using Plastic Extractor you can produce it.

A plastic Extractor can be used to extract liquid plastic from the ground to produce liquid plastic, it can only place on nature blocks that you can find in world layer except for ores.

One of the most things liquid plastic can make are Plastic Blocks, there are different plastic blocks below.

Furniture Blocks:

We also have furniture blocks that are used for designing interior structures such as offices, kitchens, wardrobes, schools and etc.

We have 3d furniture as well which isn’t only useful for decoration, but serve some functions as well, some of the blocks have functions and other will have a function soon.

Picture Frame:

Are you tired of our painting as our decoration? We have a new picture frame, one is standing and the other is hanging on the wall. These picture frames have no picture yet by default, you are free to choose what pictures you can install on them. Just choose any available pictures.

Here’s an example built using a wooden drawer together with a picture frame and other vanilla blocks.

Kitchen Stuff:

There are blocks too that are made for kitchens such as countertops, countertops with sinks, cabinets, and drawers are included. We also have a fridge, microwave oven, cooking range, etc. which currently has no function yet, however, the water dispenser is now functional this work together with a water container, and you can learn how it works after trying it.

City Decor:

Our modern blocks aren’t complete without a decoration block for building cities, say no more to alternative blocks you use in building roads, we have a road block for that, there are different varieties of roadblocks that you could need in building city highways or roads.

This isn’t only about roadblocks, there are other blocks too such as caution blocks, traffic cone, and any city-related blocks.

Where to see all blocks and items?

All blocks and items can be found in your creative inventory, hence they’re in creative inventory in survival you can able to see them in your recipe book and thus you don’t have to memorize every block’s recipe.

In-depth guide:

If the highlights discussion isn’t enough for you, we have Modern Blocks Guide, this is a guide that is made for this addon, it is another pack so you have to download and install it too if you need it.

It modified the ‘How to Play’ UI and make it a guide. This guide provides all things you need in this addon, just read the guide and you’re ready to go. Here’s what it looks like.

Installation Note:

You have to enable the following experiments in world settings to make it work.

  • Holiday Creator Features
  • Upcoming Creator Features
  • Molang Features

Download both the behavior pack and resource pack and install them both.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Modern Blocks Addon (1.20, 1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Guide (Optional): Download from server 1Download from server 2

mcaddon: Download from server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Guide (Optional): Download from server 1Download from server 2

mcaddon: Download from server 1Download from server 2

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