More Ores Tools Addon (1.21, 1.20) introduces more than +400 tools and items, as well as over +21 armors with various designs. They are crafted from new minerals that this addon also adds to the game. These minerals include Adamantite, Tin, Topaz, Bronze, Jade, Emerald, Copper, Ruby, Amethyst, Cobalt, Migtinio, Silver, Mithril, Paladium, Platinum, Titanium, Onyx, Orichalcum, Aquarium, Tourmaline, Enderite.


Shields Texture:

All shields now have their own texture.

Effects when carrying items:

Now carrying any “Great Sword” in your hand will give you the slow and mining fatigue effect (without modifying the player).

Now also carrying any “Great Axe” in your hand will give you the slow effect (without modifying the player).

Armor with effects:

Now when wearing full armor we will have a different effect (without modifying the player).

Paladium (remaster):

A new mineral, its characteristics are similar to those of migtinio.

Mithril (remaster):

A new mineral, its characteristics are similar to those of Migtinio.

New Tools:


Magma Zombie:

It is stronger and more resistant than a normal zombie, it lives in the depths of the caves and sometimes you can see it on the surfaces. Remember that you are afraid of water!

Ores Trader:

It is very useful if you want to get emeralds and you have a couple of minerals to spare in your chests!


Hammers 3×3:

To begin with, the addon adds a new crafting table with which we will make the hammers that the addon adds.

What is achieved like this:

Inside this you will find the crafting of all the things added by the addon except some things that I will show later

Hammers 3×3 (New operation):

Hammers function as combat weapons and mining tools

To use the hammers is very easy you just have to chop a block and the hammer will chop it in 3×3 and if you mine downwards it will give you the feather drop effect for 1 seconds. Each one has a different durability.

Tools and Weapons:

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Apples and New Weapons:

11 new apples have been added to the game, each with different effects.

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2 of them have special abilities:


By crouching down and eating the apple, you will blast lightning at 5 mobs near you within a 20-block radius.


By crouching down and eating the apple, raise 1 mobs near you in a 22 block radius.

New Weapon:

The following weapons were added:

  • Dagger
  • Battleaxe
  • GreatAxe
  • GreatSword


This weapon has the ability to give you Speed ​​for 60 seconds, you just have to crouch and interact with the item in hand.


This weapon has the ability to break the blocks that a vanilla ax could break, in addition to doing more damage than a sword of the same mineral.

Great Axe:

This weapon has the ability to break the blocks that a vanilla ax could break, in addition to doing more damage than a battleaxe of the same mineral.


  • Resistance II, 30 seconds
  • Slowness I, 3 seconds
  • strength II, 30 seconds

Great Sword:

This weapon has the ability to break blocks that a vanilla ax could break, as well as dealing more damage than a great ax of the same mineral.


  • Resistance III, 30 seconds
  • Slowness I, 3 seconds
  • Regeneration II, 5 seconds
  • strength II, 30 seconds



Remastering the ores:

Note when installation:

Don’t be afraid if you get this warning:

If you want to have the custom interface for the Hammers table, you will have to activate the “Ui Custom [Plus]” extension.


Installation Note:

  • You must activate these Settings to run this addon.

  • If you want to have the custom interface for the Hammers table, you will have to activate the “Ui Custom [Plus]” extension.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

More Ores Tools Addon (1.21, 1.20) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.18

Resource: Download from server 1

Behavior: Download from server 1

Hammers Table Ui (Optional): Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Hammers Table Ui (Optional): Download from server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Hammers Table Ui (Optional): Download from server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Hammers Table Ui (Optional): Download from server 1Download from server 2

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