The MoreMobHeads plugin is a Minecraft plugin that enhances gameplay by allowing mobs to drop their heads when killed. This adds a unique and collectible element to the game, appealing to players who enjoy trophy hunting or want to decorate their builds with rare mob heads. It’s especially popular on survival and RPG servers where players seek out challenges and rewards. MoreMobHeads is a fantastic plugin for servers looking to add a new layer of collectible items and challenges. It’s perfect for survival and RPG servers where players enjoy hunting for rare items and showcasing their achievements. The plugin’s flexibility and ease of use make it a valuable addition to any Minecraft server looking to enhance its gameplay with mob head drops.


  • Mob Head Drops: The plugin enables a wide range of mobs to drop their heads upon death, including common mobs like zombies and skeletons, as well as rarer ones like Ender Dragons and Withers.
  • Custom Drop Rates: Server admins can configure the drop rates for each mob head, allowing for fine-tuning of the plugin to match the server’s difficulty and economy.
  • Player Head Drops: The plugin also allows players to drop their heads when killed, which can be a fun addition for PvP servers, adding a layer of competition and bragging rights.
  • Integration with Other Plugins: MoreMobHeads integrates seamlessly with other plugins, such as economy or RPG plugins, allowing mob heads to be used as currency, rewards, or special items within the server’s economy.



  • /mmh reload
    description: Reloads this plugin.
  • /mmh toggledebug (/mmh td)
    description: Temporarily toggles debug.
  • /mmh customtrader (/mmh ct)
    description: Shows help
  • /mmh ct add
    description: Adds item to custom_trades.yml
  • /mmh ct remove #
    description: Removes trade_# from custom_trades.yml
  • /mmh ct replace #
    description: Replaces trade_# in custom_trades.yml
  • /mmh fixhead name
    description: Fixes the NBT data of the head in your main hand.
  • /mmh fixhead stack
    description: Fixes the NBT data of the head in your off hand, with the data from your main hand, if they are the same head, but the off hand head has extra NBT data.
  • /mmh givebh <block> or /mmh givebh <player> <block>
    Use tab complete for blocknames, or see block_heads_1_17.yml(pre 1.16 blocks), block_heads_1_17_2.yml(1.16 blocks), or block_heads_1_17_3.yml (1.17 blocks)
  • /mmh givemh <player> <mobname> <#>(/mmh givemh JoelGodOfWar axolotl 1)
    description: Gives the named player the mob head input in the quantity given.
    suggestion: Use tab complete to get the proper mob name.
  • /mmh giveph <player> or /mmh giveph <player> <player>
    description: Gives you named player’s head, or gives player player’s head.
    If Player has logged into your server MMH will use the local skin, if not it will get the skin from Mojang.

How to install:

MoreMobHeads Plugin (1.21.1, 1.20.1) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.8 to Minecraft 1.21.1, 1.21

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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