Mushlings! Mod (1.18.2) brings a new adorable entity into the game, the Mushling. This creature usually spawns in the Dark Forest and the Mushroom Field biomes and has a very special interaction with it. Rather than attacking these creatures, players can use a water bucket on the Mushling, and it would drink up and start planting a unique seed, which can grow and become the Magic Root. While this fruit seems quite dubious at first, people would find it quite useful later on as it increases players’ speed for 4 to 5 minutes. Whenever players want to travel a long distance, having a bunch of Magic Roots inside their inventories would be efficacious, and players can save a lot of time. If players prefer a more friendly approach to these Mushlings, rather than taking advantage of them to produce Magic Root, players can bring them inside and make them their companions.


  • A New Adorable Creature was introduced into the game.
  • Players can use a water bucket on the Mushling to produce Magic Root.



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For Minecraft 1.18.2

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