Mystery of the Time Keeper Map
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September 15, 2016
About Mystery of the Time Keeper Map
Mystery of the Time Keeper Map. A brand new custom adventure-mode map built for the latest Minecraft 1.8+ (currently snapshot versions), designed particularly for 1 or 2 players.
Uncover what has happened to time itself, help the villagers of the clock tower, complete multiple side-quests while following the main storyline, go on a huge adventure and see amazing sights, solve puzzles, and ultimately become a saviour – or a destroyer – of the people.
Mystery of the Time Keeper Map Screenshots:
Let’s Play:
- Requires Minecraft 1.8+ (Snapshot 14w10c or above).
- Will NOT work in Minecraft 1.7.5 or earlier!
- Designed particularly for 1-2 players, but will support small groups!
- Requires command blocks enabled for servers.
- Must play in peaceful mode.
- Must stay in adventure mode (NOT survival or creative!).
- When you first start the map, have a walk around the spawn room and read some of the signs.
- Once you step on the pressure pad to start the map, a series of command blocks will set up most of the gamerules for you (eg put you in adventure mode, set map to peaceful mode etc.) – please don’t alter any of these settings afterwards, it will cause problems!
- Please read the books in the starter cave once you start the adventure, they are VERY short. Also take and keep the “Token List” book with you – this will be an invaluable tool in finding the hidden tokens found throughout the map!
- If the starting pressure pad or button in the starter room do nothing, then you are NOT running the latest un-modded vanilla Minecraft. You must “Edit Profile” in the Minecraft launcher, and choose “Enable Experimental Development Versions (Snapshots)”, and select “Use Latest Version” (or “14w08a” for a pretty stable earlier snapshot).
- Mystery of the Time Keeper requires the latest Minecraft 1.8+ (Snapshot 14w10c or above). The map will NOT work with Minecraft 1.7 or earlier. If running on a multiplayer server, you must enable command-blocks, and use the latest 1.8+ vanilla snapshot server files.
- If you cannot load the map/it isn’t listed, check you didn’t double up the folders when unzipping, eg it should be “/saves/TimeKeeper/level.dat” not “/saves/level.dat” or “/saves/TimeKeeper/TimeKeeper/level.dat”
- Mac Singleplayer: The same instructions as above, but you must find and navigate to “Finder/Application Support/minecraft/saves”, and unzip the map file into a new folder into this location.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps
- Fixed a couple of typos.
- Removed random junk from many chests that people were stockpiling.
- Modified a number of signs/instructions to avoid some confusion throughout.
- Modified a couple of Tokens of Solving to make them (slightly) easier to find.
- Wizard moved closer to house entrance for added visual effect.
- Wizard removes the… “ingredient”… on completion.
- Removed an erroneous extra Seeking Token from Bill’s wheat field (the token is not in the field, but there *ISa token at Bill’s windmill…).
- Made Ironbridge parkour easier in a couple of places.
- Ironbridge parkour only needs 3 not 4 supports now.
- Added signs to Dockmaster piers to clarify directions.
- Modified the stairway “puzzle” after the water-tunnel boating area.
- Exiting any of the three possible parkour areas throughout the map checks for creative/survival mode and sets you back to adventure mode, as some people forget to go back to adventure, or went back to survival by accident.
- A few other very minor changes to generally make things easier to find/navigate to.
Download links for Mystery of the Time Keeper Map:
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