Name Spoofer Mod (1.8.9) – Give Yourself a Fake Name
Name Spoofer Mod (1.8.9) changes any text displayed on your screen visually. It does not actually change any strings and is client side (If you spoof a 1 character string to 5 character it will actually be 1 character, only it will appears as 5). Not only limited to names. Works on: nametags, chest, furnace, inventory, any Minecraft item, other mods, gui, tablist, chat, nicknider name, any text etc.
- Saves the names you spoof every time you type a command and loads all your names when the game starts up.
- Works with replay mod and NickHider mod.
- Saves color of text and works with color codes (ex: &c[OWNER]).
- Changes text visually; It can change the text that is displayed on the screen, such as item names as well and text in vanilla Minecraft.
- Improved fps significantly.
How to use:
- /spoof – Resets everything back to normal.
- /spoof – Changes any instance of your username to . Basically Nickhider but you decide your name.
- /spoof – Changes any instance of to . ( can have spaces).
- /remove – Hides the string . (Can have spaces)
- /spooffirst – Used with /spoofsecond. (Can have spaces as long as it’s the same color.)
- /spoofsecond – Changes whatever string that is set as spooffirst to . (Can have spaces)
- NOTE: THESE APPLY TO ANY TEXT THAT APPEARS ON YOUR SCREEN (Also only & color code tags on changed text. Colored text can be spoofed without using & to specify the color.)
Change your Minecraft ingame to Dream:
- /spoof &c[&fYOUTUBE&c] Dream
Give Youtube rank to everyone on Hypixel:
- /spoof [ &c[
- /spoof ] &c]
- /remove +
- /spoof MVP &fYOUTUBE
- /spoof VIP &fYOUTUBE
- Change to Youtuber name /spoof &c
- NOTE: Remove the + separately from MVP and VIP because the color is different from the rank.
How to install:
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Name Spoofer Mod (1.8.9) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.8.9
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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