The Nature’s Beauty Modpack (1.12.2) will take you on an exciting new adventure! The main goals of the Nature’s Beauty Modpack were to add more natural elements and beauty to the vanilla experience, give players more building options, and make it easier to move forward without having to grind. It contains very few mods that would seem out of place if their features were to be added to Minecraft in an official capacity by Mojang. The Biome Bundle contains additional passive mobs, ambient sounds, terrain, and other mods with the primary goal of enhancing the natural beauty of Minecraft by adding more biomes and biomes to the game. By adding new tools like hammers and the Whole Tree Ax, increasing the basic ore yield with the Furnus mod, and changing the crafting recipes in different ways, the grinding process has become a little bit easier. Lots of supplemental plants to add to the aesthetic appeal of your world, as well as lots of animals and crops to raise and cultivate. You have more reasons to explore now that structures and other goodies have been added. In a future update, we plan to add structures that are completely unique to each player. No Tinker’s, very limited technology, and no magic are included in this mode, which is designed to provide you with an “enhanced vanilla” experience.


  • Ambient sounds, extra passive mobs, Biome Bundle terrain, and more mods focused on creating atmosphere and amplifying the natural beauty of Minecraft.
  • Slightly reduced grind by means of new tools like hammers and the Whole Tree Axe, basic ore doubling from the Furnus mod, as well as some crafting recipe tweaks.
  • “Vanilla-esque” options for the technically-minded player, such as Hopper Ducts and Redstone Paste.
  • Potion Fingers, a mod by Vazkii commissioned specifically for this Modpack, allows you to take beacon effects with you everywhere.
  • Lots of extra plants to beautify your world.
  • Lots of animals and crops to breed and grow.
  • Lots of extra building options thanks to mods such as Chisel, Chisels & Bits, Earthworks, Blockcraftery, and more.
  • Added structures and other goodies to give you a reason to explore, with completely custom structures planned for a future update.
  • A refined and very selective collection of mods–this is not a modpack with stuff in it for the sake of having stuff in it.
  • No Tinker’s, very limited tech, and no magic–meant to give you a truly “enhanced vanilla” feel.



Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Modpack

Nature’s Beauty Modpack (1.12.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Forge Version: Download from Server 1


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