The latest snapshot of Minecraft Java Edition introduced spawn eggs for the game’s powerful boss mobs and golems. However, these eggs have yet to appear in the Bedrock Edition, even two weeks after the release. If you are eager to try them out early, New Spawn Eggs Addon (1.19) is the perfect solution as it includes four new technical spawn eggs to the game.


  • With this addon, you can access four new spawn eggs for the Snow Golem, Iron Golem, Ender Dragon, and Wither Boss. These eggs can only be obtained from the creative inventory and are not available in survival mode. It is worth noting that only the spawn eggs for the two golems are available in the creative inventory, whereas the other two must be obtained via commands.

  • The spawn eggs for the bosses are only obtainable with commands. Because they are very destructive in nature, you’ll need to be an operator to get your hands on them!

Snow Golem Spawn Egg:

Iron Golem Spawn Egg:

Wither Spawn Egg:

Ender Dragon Spawn Egg:

The Golem spawn eggs are even compatible with mob spawners! But not those for the dragon and Wither, for pretty obvious reasons…

Installation Note:

  • Enable experiments for this addon to work!

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

New Spawn Eggs Addon (1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

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